Search results

  1. oilmkr420

    Hot or Cold Solvent

    Some people think that cold solvent does a better job than hot solvent. So I'm asking you guys to see for yourself w a simple test anyone can do at home. First get your concentrate in a measured amount and try dissolving your extract w the cold solvent and checking the yield it was able to...
  2. oilmkr420

    Hot or Cold Solvent

    Some people think that cold solvent does a better job than hot solvent. So I'm asking you guys to see for yourself w a simple test anyone can do at home. First get your concentrate in a measured amount and try dissolving your extract w the cold solvent and checking the yield it was able to...
  3. oilmkr420

    Patent #: US005227537

    Cannabinol Patents where match head size doses have the comparison to PCP. Really evil recrystallized marijuana that can be snorted, smoked, oral, rectal, or injected. When people discuss their high, they all say the same thing, that shits gnarley". If your under 50 years old, you never seen...
  4. oilmkr420

    Making Wax w Propane

    Propane is the biz. Just found out power 7 isn't just refined 7 times, but a mixture of n-butane, ISO-butane, and propane. It's impressive and led me to try propane alone and it makes a much prettier extract than n- butane by far. It gives a higher selectivity than butane, and is much cleaner...
  5. oilmkr420

  6. oilmkr420

    CO2 Extraction Raid

    Some pro got popped w this beautiful equipment. I can get him out of trouble if someone can PM me his info, I have limited access to a computer. ASAP.
  7. oilmkr420


    What's up old friend? This set of instructions is for you personally, since I know you have an Iso2. After it's been extracted w ice water and fully cured w no moisture content to cause water lock, thus mold. Once dry, place a coffee filter through the basket and preheat the Iso2 to decarb the...
  8. oilmkr420

    Bubble Hash Oil

    I have my first opportunity to extract from bubble hash. My first go round produced a Red Oil that tastes just like the bubble hash, but way smoother and far more potent than the original stuff w particles of plant matter and fine debris. Very good yields w all solvents used including acetone...
  9. oilmkr420


    Knowing what I do about carbon dioxide and its behavioral changes as it sweeps through temperatures had caused me to warn my gf about getting that can of mz12x out of her car. I told her the can would fail around 120F, but maybe even lower than that. She put the can in direct sunlight w out my...
  10. oilmkr420

    Real Chemistry

    US Patent 7,105,685 You guys claiming real chemistry don't fool me. If so, then start explaining. Note lines 25-30, giving the right for anyone w skill in the art, not to limit but use the information as just a guideline. It gives lots of empowering information and right if you understand.
  11. oilmkr420

    Killing Oil Prices

    Just to share the easiest method to produce CO2 concentrate: 2 pipe wrenches CO2 tank DOT3 1800psi hydrotested Everclear or 200 proof moonshine I just unscrew the CGA320 valve when the tank is dead. Place 84-112 grams of weed in a 20lbs co2 tank, add ethanol in the amount of 180 grams. Place a...
  12. oilmkr420

    NorCal Growers?

    Yo what's up w guys? Does anybody do shit big up there, got their shit together, and willing to be the next big wax competitor out there? It takes cash. If you got that and desire to learn the biz, then don't think Apex or Eden as the only pros in the biz, as I had grabbed both companies...
  13. oilmkr420

    Definitive Info

    Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine - Nov. 1942 Vol. 18, No. 11 page 705 Not me saying it, but at a time when the scientific technology was just becoming prominent the substance was then outlawed. Since...
  14. oilmkr420

    $5k SCFE Vessels

    What up guys. Here I have a vessel used to put in work. I'm talking about the giant 6L vessel rated at 6,000psi. Suitable for subcritical water but would require a stainless steel seal one time crush use I'm thinking. Since water is in more abundance than CO2 and just as environmentally friendly...
  15. oilmkr420

    Vwr vacuum oven 1410

    Sick. Got to 130C at number 6 setting, just pick up my vacuum pump and it's on.
  16. oilmkr420

    Vwr vacuum oven 1014

    Got a new sick ass oven I started clocking temps at. My phone battery took a crap so I don't have the pictures until I can replace the battery. Perhaps in the near future I can do a run demonstrating the unit, but as of now I am tapped out of funds to do a batch. I always wanted a VWR and now...
  17. oilmkr420

    Test My Rep

    I am going to start working near Acton, Ca and am calling out the best butane whizzes out there to come challange my reputation. Bring your best extract, the same plant matter that is used to create your extract (not reblasted, but virgin stuff) so that you can see the yield difference. If you...
  18. oilmkr420


    So I had made friends w a caregiver w 99 plant license who had also had his grow start over from scratch. I had brought him 4 T-8's in efforts to help out the cause. I ended up bringing them in the early am hrs, still dark thirty. I went to his place later and the lights were brought inside, but...
  19. oilmkr420

    Swagelok 304l ss vessel

    Bar none, there isn't a better unit around in this price range more suited for the task at hand. Choice medical grade 304L stainless steel doesn't participate in reactions and is meant do handle co2, fitted w 1/2" strait thread so it can accept a liquid fill, check valves, needle valves, and...
  20. oilmkr420

    Freon 113

    I had got my hands on a discontinued product calledTrichlorotrifluoroethane. It's the fucking biz. Non-flammable, non-toxic, and more thorough than butane. It was really a blessing to come across 6 cans of the stuff as its not available to the public because it's a cfc. Has wicked results and as...