Search results

  1. Izoc666

    Super Tea and Budswel organic fertilizers ?

    Im wondering if anyone of ya have use this fertilizers before ? heres Super Tea s link: and Budswel : its worth to buy those products ? any help it will be greatly appreicate , thanks...
  2. Izoc666

    Want Big, Sugary, Tasty, Sweet-Smelling Marijuana Buds?

    hello growers, I was reading big buds magazine about carbohydrates article, I thought y all would like to read this one , heres a link first of all i aint expert on the nutrient lines or...
  3. Izoc666

    Indoor Gardening Expo - Long Beach 2011

    ^^^ that Im wondering if anyone of ya will go to the expo ? Long Beach, CA October 22-23, 2011 here s a link : I just never go any expos in my life :P but its worth to pay a visit ? thanks.
  4. Izoc666

    autoflower is good to get ?

    hello fellas, i was thinking about order autoflower at the attitude seeds. it would be my first to order, of course you can say im still spekitcal about it but since i saw this forum i will give a chance to order, im wondering if this strain is good ? autoflower's name is advanced seeds low girl...
  5. Izoc666

    seedling-slow growth or its normal ?

    hello everyone ! I would like to know if anything s strange with my seedling that grow really smaller than another plants that i used to grow....please take a look at my pictures below but ill give you the first information first : seedling is 22 days old, unknown strain (bagseed), soilless...
  6. Izoc666

    Bonsai Tree?

    hello fellas im wondering about the bonsai tree...i tried to check this gardening section to see if anyone have talk about the bonsai that im keenly to get one soon but i have to get know bonsai and research before i have it at my home...and no one in here talk about bonsai, and i did used the...