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  1. k0ijn


    Pretty damn cool site, this is one of the drawings I made:
  2. k0ijn

    Mittens President-elect website.

    It's a few days old information but I couldn't find a thread on the forum about it so I just wanted to point out the humorous mistake by Rmoneys campaign. Rmoneys campaign released a 'President-elect' site on the 7th for a few hours...
  3. k0ijn

    O'reilly vs. Stewart 'The Rumble'

    Not sure if everyone has seen this already (I hadn't, just found it on youtube) but I'll share it anyway. It's a pretty damn funny 'debate'. Stewart 2016? :lol:
  4. k0ijn


    The bigoted cunt in all his glory:
  5. k0ijn

    Which news source(s) are you watching/reading the election night on?

    I have the politico site on a tab and I have streams of CBS and ABC running on my monitors.
  6. k0ijn

    Seems like people do pay attention

    News article made public 10min ago: INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) - Support for Senate candidate Richard Mourdock has fallen since his recent controversial comments about rape, giving Democrats an unexpected...
  7. k0ijn

    The real Mitt Romney
  8. k0ijn

    Romney vs. Reality

    On the subject of Romney proclaiming that JEEP are moving their production to China: "It's one thing to lie about your record or even your opponents record, but what Romney has done here is to lie about a third party, in that...
  9. k0ijn

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Harvesting your weed based on trichomes is probably the easiest way for most growers to harvest as close to peak harvest as possible. The difficulty in the method comes with how to determine the state of the trichomes and what each state means. If you have the equipment needed it is however...
  10. k0ijn

    Read this Harvesting & Curing users.

    As I'm sure you've noticed (and read from the admin post in site news, if you haven't I suggest you go read his post) we have had an attack against the site which has overwritten some of our data. Circa a month of data has been lost, everything from posts to PMs. Here in the Harvesting & Curing...
  11. k0ijn


    I just drank from a soda can I had ashed in :wall:
  12. k0ijn

    Thoughts go out to Norway and the ones lost.

    I would like to express my deepest sympathies for Norway and the casualties of the horrible events of yesterday. 7 people were killed by a bomb in Oslo and 84 people were killed on the tiny island of Utöya. My thoughts go out to the ones affected by these cowardly and dispicable acts. This...
  13. k0ijn

    Aero/Hydro Gravity Grow: Tangerine Dream/G13 x Haze/Cinderella 99/Pineapple Chunk

    Ello all, let me introduce myself, 25-year-old from Denmark looking to share a grow with you guys. I've been reading a bit on this forum and saw it as a fitting place to share an indoor DWC/Drip grow. The grow room is still being put together, the mother room/clone room is finalized but the...