Search results

  1. Dr. Who

    Bruce's Monkey

    Ok, so somebody, in some thread where I mentioned this project. Asked for pic's of some.... Here you go These are older, right about to harvest bud examples. Here are some younger buds This IS a cubed, stable strain. I took a Bruce Banner Female and hit her with original GG#4 pollen. That...
  2. Dr. Who

    Doc's World ending swap to LED - SIDE by SIDE

    Well, I didn't do much for an unpacking selection of photo's (boring). Same for setting them up (boring) BUT, I will say they Have real good packaging, as they did get bumped around. So they came out with 0 (zero) damage! Hung easy peasy. Here is the HLG board Here's the custom built board...
  3. Dr. Who

    The first sign of the Apocalypse!

    OH, OH! Hell froze over and the end is near! I got 3 LED boards built for me. Lm301H Samsung diodes with Cree 660's 480w draw Mean Well 550 driver Just over 1350 Lumen core delivery. These are replacing 3 of my Jupiter 6 - 1K hoods... Trial run to compare yield's and cost's. They are...
  4. Dr. Who

    How late is too late? Part 2

    @Sfrigon 1 said; Got a cross I made finishing up and noticed a freshly growing nanner at the very top of main cola. Its like three weeks out and don't wanna risk those opening and spreading pollen. Wtf can I do??? There are several good answers in the original thread. I'll answer with more...
  5. Dr. Who

    Our community has lost a great member

    It is with a tear and a heavy heart that I feel I should share with you all, The all too early passing of a well known and respected member. iam4satori passed away from a massive heart attack this last week. He was a dear friend and partner that I came to know well from these boards. We began...
  6. Dr. Who

    New views on PM and RH.....

    I happened to be out with the wife yesterday. She was shopping and I went to hide in the Barnes&Noble to read the funny papers (Cannabis magazines). HT was it's normal dumb self. Same with a few others. THEN, I picked up the GROW mag. I always had higher hopes for this one but, mainly it gives...
  7. Dr. Who

    WARNING about shipping clones/cuts!

    Do NOT ship USPS overnight by air! All overnight packages that go by air are subject to X-ray examination. The system is automated and flag's anything that looks like dry material and/or plant cuttings/live potted clones. You can do NOTHING to hide these things. Once flagged, all items...
  8. Dr. Who


    Took a little vacation (my own ;-);-)).....I see nothing has changed. Much.... Doc
  9. Dr. Who

    Who's over 60 and growing still?

    Hit it last Friday! Threatened to do this thread...Making good on it! Lets talk old school and in the day...Plus whats got your attention now (as far as strains coming out today). Welcome to the Old Farts thread!
  10. Dr. Who

    Help impeach Trump here....

    SIGN IT! As per anyone liking TRUMP....... Did you know you give him a woody when he see's you?
  11. Dr. Who

    Gratuitous BUD P*RN drop zone!

    I'll open with a pair of Blue Berries and a Fruity Pebbles, and GG#4 set of open cards. The BB are original Shorts, and are from the initial offering - Decades ago! Techincally, this plant is over 31 years old, and still being cloned. Main Now a sub branch... The Fruity Pebbles... The...
  12. Dr. Who

    BUD P_RN THREAD! Lost the last good one in the crash....

    Ah the good ol' Dick slinging contest thread was lost in the last crash......Time for a new porn thread! Post your bud porn here! Platinum Banana OG - harvested 8/23/17 Stupid dank! REEKS of Banana's soaked in mixed fuels.... Larf? We got no stinking larf... 1st tray - great colors!
  13. Dr. Who

    MI state police given 1.2 million by the Feds to close all dispensaries

    The US dept. of Justice has given the state (police) of Michigan 1.2 million dollars to close all operating dispensaries across the state! This statewide sweep has begun already! My friends in the business have been hit and told to close - period. Some friends, sat on a hill and watched 420...
  14. Dr. Who

    STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

    The US dept. of Justice has given the state (police) of Michigan 1.2 million dollars to close all operating dispensaries across the state! This statewide sweep has begun already! My friends in the business have been hit and told to close - period. Some friends, sat on a hill and watched 420...
  15. Dr. Who

    Dr. Who's challenge run

    Hey there folks. I got hit with a challenge to try a strain from a member who says it's about the most potent thing he's run. It's a "normal" priced seed line and that some of the things I pay up for (rare/cutting edge) are overpriced. The reason that I do is simple. I want them..... His is...
  16. Dr. Who

    CALLING ALL COB's - CALLING ALL COB's - not cobb's! COB'S!

    COB curing porn thread.......Got any to share? Dried never lasts long around here.....So all I got is a cpl at 3 weeks old and one at 2 days old. African style cob cure......modernized....GG#4 and a Lemon Cake with a little 91 chem cob. I'll add dried pics when that come up!
  17. Dr. Who

    Increasing the THC and CBD levels with Mn and Ir - REALLY?

    Metals and organic compounds in the biosynthesis of cannabinoids: a chemometric approach to the analysis of cannabis sativa samples I heard about this paper a few years back. I never bothered pay up for the whole paper. I just read a copy from a friend. It's rather interesting. It's Serbian...
  18. Dr. Who

    We're breeding out the ambering of trich's in many new strains ?

    I've been watching this trend for some years now....I have become a firm believer in this! Look at the newest, coolest things coming down the pike.....They simply don't have much ambering and some have none! Bulk up, cloud up, and then either swell or foxtail....Run too long and the heads fall...
  19. Dr. Who

    Trump backpedals on China! Just what did Xi Jinping say to Trump?

    Fly on the wall says this! Xi said: "Look here you yellow haired orange faced monkey! If you keep spouting off about our currency manipulation. We'll demand immediate payment of that 1.1 TRILLION dollars you owe us for your Iraq war loans! What will happen to your economy then? Think your...
  20. Dr. Who

    Opioid epidemic is caused by big business take over of the Gov.

    In the 60's & 70's it was sleeping pills and speed pills....Placidyl, Reds, rainbows, Quaaludes - etc, etc, etc. We were schooled all over about how bad heroin is and "Do you want to be a junkie and have you life controlled by a drug?" Where did that go? The feds stepped in and forced the...