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  1. C

    Flowering Troubles(?)

    Hi, I've taken repeated advice and changed my lights--I've stopped with the CFLs and have changed to two 500 watt bulbs.....I've been really surprised by the heat--I don't have to run my heater at night anymore (I grow in my bedroom, as it's the only room in the house that can be closed off)...
  2. C

    Is it time to induce flowering?

    I posted about two weeks ago after a falling lighting incident. I've since switched to a CFL setup (no way for those to fall out of their fixtures!), and am, looking back at the pictures I posted before, shocked at the incredible growth over the last twelve days! Even though I love my plants...
  3. C

    Previously Potted Plants Fouled by Falling Flourescent....Trouble?

    About two weeks ago, I transplanted from Jiffy Pots into large (for my space) 9 liter pots with a nice soil mix. Up until last night I was very pleased with growth--I was running the lights (two 58cm flourescents) on a 18 on/6 off schedule, and everything seemed to be going well, aside from my...
  4. C

    Request for Advice on Which Plant to Use

    I'd warned in my introduction that I would be posting plenty of stupid is the first (several)! First, a little history--I started some old sack seeds half on a whim, half frustrated with the poor availability/very real danger of purchase in my area. The seedlings literally...
  5. C

    Hello (Floating) World

    Good evening and hello from the (rapidly thawing) Frozen North of Japan. Due to legal terrors and the incredible expense of purchase, I have decided to start growing my own. Browsing these (great) forums has been really helpful in getting a basic setup started, so I thought I would join up and...