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  1. R

    Crime Without Consequence

    I saw this on the news. It's about Mexican marijuana smugglers going free if the have 500 lbs or less. Here's the article Crime Without Consequence - Drug runners go free - Phoenix news, breaking news, local news, weather radar, traffic from ABC15 News |
  2. R

    Crist, hypocrisy, article & opinion poll

    Miami Herald article on failed drug war. FL. Gov. Crist's hypocrisy. Opinion poll. 94% for decriminalization. Click on link below to read & vote. Crist wants to maintain drug penalties - 03/15/2008 - Other news. Florida congress wants to make growing 25 or more plants a...
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    News article, Cops for legalization

    This is a great news article. It just came out today. Activist Cops for Marijuana legalization. Here's the link. Frosty Wooldridge -- Marijuana Prohibition and Public Safety
  4. R

    Our Gestapo/SS storm troopers at work

    I hope this link will be allowed on this forum. It shows Miami Police shooting an unarmed woman in public & laughing about it. She was demonstrating against tyranny. :evil: YouTube - Miami Police Shot Protester, then laugh about it.
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    Miami Herald Article & Poll for Legalization

    The Miami Herald has a good article about Florida's draconian drug laws. They have a live poll on the same page. So far it's 94% for legalization of drugs. Florida is about to exceed federal guidelines by making it a mandatory 25yrs. prison sentence for 25 or more plants. This will only...
  6. R

    Hello from the Sunshine state

    Hello to everyone. I'm from the sunshine state. :peace: