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  1. Flaming Pie


    Not sure if real but laughing my ass off.
  2. Flaming Pie

    The Patient Freedom Act

    Happening live now. Watch in youtube to rewind. No discrimination for previous conditions. Children on parents ins until 26. No lifetime caps.
  3. Flaming Pie

    CNN lies about crowds

    Check out gigapixel. Place was packed. MSM plays you for suckers!
  4. Flaming Pie

    Jeff Sessions is not racist

    This is how ridiculous the left sounds as they try to slander jeff sessions. Much like the woman, they think political correctness and group speak is more important than actions. The MSM feeds you the lies and plays on emotions to keep you in control. Jeff Sessions has done more for blacks...
  5. Flaming Pie


    So.. my patient found an old tin in storage this week with all his smoke gear from the 80s. He said he slowly started collecting seeds from a potent bud he paid 40 an eighth for. Redbud. He gave me a pack of 50-60 seeds and asked me to give him a harvested plant if I ever grow it out. I...
  6. Flaming Pie

    Aleppo is FREE!

    Meanwhile, in congress...
  7. Flaming Pie

    Amer-I-Can! Trump is IN!

    Seems like a good program for a president to promote!
  8. Flaming Pie

    Shot, Stabbed, and ran over with a vehicle.

    Shooters on Ohio State Campus. A man tried to run over the people fleeing building, he then got out and started chasing people with a knife.
  9. Flaming Pie

    Israel is burning!

    #israelisburning Arson!
  10. Flaming Pie

    Trump Hysteria

    Top CNN correspondent uses the N-word on air. Please post proof of racism for Bannon or Jeff Sessions.
  11. Flaming Pie

    Disgusting photo of Pence leaked..

    With him grabbing a pussy. Ew.
  12. Flaming Pie

    Shooting at mall: Washington

    4 reported dead. Suspect on the loose.
  13. Flaming Pie

    Swallowing is Degradation of Women?

    Is this a thing? Is swallowing Degradation for men too? Gay or straight, lets get some opinions.
  14. Flaming Pie

    Hillary can't be trusted

    I'm going to start with this since I am currently watching it. I will be sharing words from hillary and videos of hillary to show why I distrust her.
  15. Flaming Pie

    Gary Johnson?

    Oh god yes. But seriously, he checks all the boxes for me. Good guy?
  16. Flaming Pie

    Sensitive lungs

    I just signed a new patient and he wants to be able to smoke. Edibles work great for him but smoking makes him cough. He has had chemo three times and it has caused the lining of some of his internal organs to get really thin. So im thinking that might cause him to cough easier. He says it...
  17. Flaming Pie

    Source for Comfrey

    So i am reading about using comfrey as an awesome fertilizer. The total immediately available NPK of comfrey is: 0.35 – 0.73 – 7.35 total NPK of comfrey is: 3.7* – 1.21 – 8.43 Where do i get it though? Is this something that can only be acquired through growing yourself and processing it...
  18. Flaming Pie

    Grow (in more ways then one *wink*) with Flaming Pie!

    Yes that is correct! We will be starting a community garden with multiple vegetables and fruits growing in organic yummy soil! I have this area behind my garage that is not being used for anything currently and I want to turn it into an area for my garden. I plan on sharing the fruits of my...
  19. Flaming Pie

    Fresh trimmings in my soil

    How long do fresh cuttings take to decompose in your soil bins? I topped my girls and decided to toss it on top of my living soil bin. Do I need to worry about PM? Oh and thanks to all the folks that helped me with the ACT brewer last week.
  20. Flaming Pie

    Compost brewer/air diffuser recommendation

    So I have my recipe picked out for a five gallon AACT. 1 cup EWC 1 cup fish bone meal 5tbsp molasses 5 rasp kelp meal Now I just need a pump and air diffuser to oxygenate the mix. And a 400 micron bag. Any suggestions? I would like to start brewing in a couple days.