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  1. Dr. Bob

    Bonafide Dr/Pt Relationship. You were told. The point being made is they are finally starting to crack down on the doctors that have put their patients at risk for years. No Record Clinics, Skype Clinics. As this...
  2. Dr. Bob

    Cards Being Revoked by State of Michigan

    We are getting reports of patients getting letters from the State of Michigan informing them that since they got their certifications over Skype without meeting with a doctor face to face, their cards are fraudulent and are being revoked. Are people here seeing that or were they isolated cases...
  3. Dr. Bob

    One Doctor Certifies 11,800 in a year-- Let's lose our Freaking Minds...

    LARA Audits MMJ Doctors Audit Says Doctor Sees 11,800 Patients a Year- Waiting Rooms Still Full LARA has just released the results of an audit of medical marijuana certification doctors. As always, they are making a big play that less that 25 doctors have seen some 56% of all certification...
  4. Dr. Bob

    General Election- Dr. Bob

    As you know, I am running in the 97th District (Arenac, Gladwin, Clare and Osceola Co). My opponent is a former police officer and feels, like all criminals, marijuana users should be in jail. Obviously we need someone a little more balanced in Lansing, and I've received the endorsement of...
  5. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Won the Primary

    I won my primary 60/40 and will be facing a former Florida Cop backed with DeVos money in the general election for the 97th House District. This is the opportunity for the community to rally around an advocate and solid candidate or hand the election to a Republican that represents everything...
  6. Dr. Bob

    Voter Initiatives Restricted

    Anyone happen to notice they changed the rules on voter initiatives and put them in immediate effect this week? No more MiLegalize and nary a word on the boards. Dr. Bob
  7. Dr. Bob

    Put a Doctor in the House I'm pleased to announce I am a candidate for the 97th District of the Michigan House of Representatives. Please feel free to click the link for details.
  8. Dr. Bob

    Denali Healthcare to Re-Open This Week

    I am pleased to announce that Denali Healthcare will begin taking appointments for certifications and re-certifications at our Gaylord and Kalamazoo Offices starting tomorrow Feb 23, 2016. The office number is 989-339-4464 and Kalamazoo Patients may use 269-388-5878 if they cannot get through on...
  9. Dr. Bob

    Michigan Medical Marijuana Live, Interactive Statistics Independent interactive statistics on the MMMA This is a project we put together- still adding data but the largest sampling of Michigan Medical Marijuana patients not controlled by the state. Just a little bonus to the...
  10. Dr. Bob


    Do any patients here have experience with vivitrol for alcoholism or narcotic addiction? I would appreciate hearing your experiences- especially in relation to cravings and potential problems (such as painful injuries while under narcotic blockaid with vivitrol). Please post or PM me- no...
  11. Dr. Bob

    The Bonafide Dr/Pt Relationship- Pitfalls to Avoid in Certifications

    People v Goodwin The Following is the Part of the Ruling discussing the Bonafide Dr/Pt relationship. It shows a classic failure of standards of certification at the expense of a patient. Don't fall into...
  12. Dr. Bob

    TNT Begs for Money to Continue Their Paramilitary Rampage

    These people truly sicken me. They are nothing but street gangs with badges shaking down their communities. It is a good thing that grant money is going to treatment rather than law enforcement, those with addictions need treatment, not felony convictions and jail time. Medical marijuana has cut...
  13. Dr. Bob

    Prescription Pain Medication Poised to be Leading Cause of Accidental Death in 2014

    CDC Reports an Epidemic of Deaths from Prescription Drug Abuse Prescription Pain Medication is the Leading Cause of Accidental Death The American College of Physicians (ACP) responds with new pain management guidelines for prescription pain medications used in chronic pain. Per the ACP...
  14. Dr. Bob

    Focus on the Forgotten Medical Marijuana Patient.

    Focus on the Forgotten Medical Marijuana Patient This is the 4th annual Dr. Bob’s Call to Action- A summary of my thoughts on goals we should, as a community, try to accomplish in 2014. Previous years focused on talking to your doctor, expanding the program by encouraging a friend...
  15. Dr. Bob

    LARA Changes the rules again- SSD no longer qualifies for reduced fee

    Another Unannounced Change from LARA 12 June 2013 Dr. Robert Townsend The series of house bills passed in the wee hours of the morning in the closing days of the last session went into effect April 1st this year. As some of you know, this was a Monday. The previous FRIDAY afternoon...
  16. Dr. Bob

    Marijuana Not Linked to Lung Cancer

    Marijuana habit not linked to lung cancer By: MICHELE G. SULLIVAN, Internal Medicine News Digital Network WASHINGTON – Regular cannabis smokers are no more likely to develop lung cancer than are people who indulge occasionally. The finding of no significant increased risk held true...
  17. Dr. Bob

    New Conditions Panel 4-5-13

    Looks like we got Parkinson's and PTSD as approved conditions in Michigan today. Still needs to go to LARA for final approval, but both were voted in today by the Panel. Preliminary votes on Asthma, Autism, and Insomnia were voted down, but they are going to allow public testimony and vote...
  18. Dr. Bob

    Our Thoughts are With You

    The parents of Michigan.
  19. Dr. Bob

    Lansing Court Dismisses Case against HydroWorld Workers

    This is a very serious development to be viewed with caution, it is a LOCAL ruling and unless you are in this district I wouldn't go jumping out with p2p sales, and if you are use EXTREME caution.... A Lansing judge has thrown out all charges filed by the state Attorney General’s office...
  20. Dr. Bob

    We need some help with PTSD in Michigan

    Efforts are underway in Michigan to have ptsd added to the list of approved conditions. I would appreciate it if patients with ptsd using cannabis would contact me with their stories. 100-300 words, just big enough to be held up and digested as positive patient experiences (names, city, and...