Search results

  1. potroastV2

    House votes to decriminalize marijuana at federal level

    Colleagues, This is an historic day! House votes to decriminalize marijuana at federal level Something that we have been fighting for since NORML was formed in 1970 has finally happened. It's only a first step, but it's a huge step! :mrgreen:
  2. potroastV2

    Eddy is out of jail!!

    Our friend Eddy Lepp has been released from prison, and is back in California. :clap: Although he is not free yet, he must stay in a half-way house, so I guess he's "half-way free." He served over 8 years of his 10-year sentence: Marijuana grower Eddy Lepp released from prison :mrgreen:
  3. potroastV2

    Michigan Man

    I met a guy a couple of weeks ago at the local ASA meeting. He said he just moved to San Diego from Michigan. I thought that I had heard his name before, and it must have been in this forum. His name is Michael McShane, and we hooked him up with a reporter and they did this story on him...
  4. potroastV2

    LEC - Light-Emitting Ceramic

    Here's a thread about some "other lighting" than LED. Phillips has a new lamp and fixture to replace the Ceramic Metal-Halide. It comes in 315 watts, and supposedly replaces a 600w or more. The PAR and UV output are better, and I've heard that there is very little heat produced. It also has...
  5. potroastV2

    MMJ Ripper = Scum

    Here's a heads-up about a low-life ripper in Colorado. I don't know anything about it, just posting an article: Does anyone know about this prick? :mrgreen:
  6. potroastV2

    The pigs are out of control

    Several more atrocities by our so-called law enforcement, so prepare to be outraged again. Here's one of our grower friends in Florida, the pigs broke into his home and killed him. He had a grow-op in his house so they shot him. Naturally, they said he had a gun...
  7. potroastV2

    California MMJ Patients

    Please help us to understand patient numbers and needs: Because California has no mandatory state registration for medical cannabis patients, there is very little known about the patient population of the state. Please fill out this completely anonymous 10 question survey for California...
  8. potroastV2

    Hemp Extract

    I received this email from my Senator today, and she quotes some DEA bullshit lies about Hemp. Now this is Industrial Hemp we're talking about. It's Cannabis Sativa but it has only trace psychoactive cannabinoids and less than 1 percent THC. Here's the email, I will highlight the part I'm...
  9. potroastV2

    US pigs out of control

    More disgusting news of out-of-control dea scum. An army of 150 pigs attacked a small neighborhood, and raided 32 houses for their personal grow ops or a few plants in the yard. Flash bang grenades, ramrods, shooting dogs, all of the sadistic hoopla...
  10. potroastV2

    What Are You Smoking?

    Here's a section to discuss our favorite herb, and how it is helping you. What benefits are you finding for this strain, and what do you like or dislike about the effects. :mrgreen:
  11. potroastV2

    Prepare to be Outraged ... AGAIN!

    Here is another story of how the US Government is completely out of control. Robert Platshorn did 29 years in prison, plus 3 years of parole, and they are still harassing him! Read this article and help him if you can...
  12. potroastV2

    Marin Alliance Reunion Fundraiser

    My friend Lynnette Shaw is having a party. She has operated a collective for 15 years, and she was forced to close. Please support this cause. EVERYBODY INVITED! MARIN ALLIANCE CLUB REUNION AND BENEFIT SUNDAY JUNE 24TH, 2012 FROM 1 PM - 4 PM AT DEER PARK VILLA, 367 BOLINAS RD...
  13. potroastV2

    Congratulations Connecticut!

    Rollitup members who live in Connecticut, you've got your own forum. :mrgreen:
  14. potroastV2 is back!

    We are back after a brief time away to give us time to do some server maintenance. Thanks for your patience. :mrgreen:
  15. potroastV2

    MMJ for your Pet, a Survey Invitation

    A Veterinarian friend is conducting a study of how animals may benefit from the effects of cannabis. If you have any experience about this with your pet, please do him a favor and complete his brief survey. Thanks! :mrgreen: edit: The link to the survey follows in Dr. Kramer's post...
  16. potroastV2

    New Forum Mods

    Please join me in welcoming our new Forum Mods. These are members who are using their knowledge to keep our forums tidy. Here are the new Forum Mods, listed by Forum: General MJ Growing ----- Supgee3; potpimp; squarepush3r; gidgetgrows; kevin murphy; stoneruk Newbie Central -----...
  17. potroastV2

    Pick Rollitup's New Logo

    Hey Guys, We are launching a brand new system for this website and would like your input on Rollitup's new Logo. Please pick which one you like best:
  18. potroastV2

    New Logo For Rollitup. Org

    Rollitup is upgrading the entire system and with this upgrade we thought a new logo would look nice on the new design. Specifics: Logo will be on a dark grey/black background Logo must be done in vector format ie: Illustrator must be used Let your imagination run Prize: To be announced
  19. potroastV2

    Pot Pimp Seed Co

    I've recently had a number of complaints from members of this board about a potpimp seeds. The only way to make a purchase of these seeds is to register with the forum, the seed list is on a thread and you have to pm the guy to place an order and the post your money through the mail. There...
  20. potroastV2

    MS Discussion