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  1. P

    My thread

    i don't know if this is against the rules, but i figured i'd post it first and if it is, it'll get deleted lol there are so many times i want to post a thread on something but i just don't post it because i dont want people to think i'm spamming the forums. i usually post my new thread "ideas"...
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    This murder inmate has more bud than me

    WTF MATE but the dude is pretty dumb stupid to be posting all that shit on facebook..good luck smoking from now on
  3. P

    which riu member do you want to smoke with most???

    i was gonna make a polll but im too lazy so im really drunk and high now...i wantd to make this thread..dunno how well it'll go but lets see. mine would be sr. verde. i know nothing about him but his humor is similar to mine. i feel like if we blazed we'd have a lot of fun..or we'd click...
  4. P

    Got nothing now... im back from japan..which was fun...good food good pussy now im back. i have like 0.4 left of og. this is the last. this guy is leavin and not doin it i have no connect. i broke my pipe over the weekend too so i'm resorting to smoking spliffs which i dont enjoy at all. i...
  5. P

    pipe done broked :(

    so i was drinkin and smokin at my vacation house yesterday........and i was really messed up and dropped my pipe and it just shattered. i brought it back in pieces because it's tough to get bud here and i was wondering if there's anything i can do with the resin. i read a thread somewhere before...
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    North Korea bombs South Korean island - just less than two hours ago

    Dozens of North Korean artillery shells landed on a South Korean border island in the West Sea Tuesday, damaging 60-70 homes, reports said. South Korean troops fired back, the defense ministry said. A South Korean official said artillery shells landed on Yeonpyeong Island. The firing...
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    sexy music from 1935
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    Incredible Color Photos of America, 1939-1943

    i just ran across this and i thought some of you might enjoy it. i thought it was amazing. check out these color pictures of america back in 1939 - 1943.
  9. P

    John Paulson's Investments Are Out

    John Paulson is the fuckin' man. He's my hero in the financial world (don't agree with his political views). This guy made about 15 Billion USD in 2007, 5 Billion more in 2008. He pocketed that money. IN HIS MOFUGGIN POCKET. Soros made ONE Billion betting against the British Pound in 1992 and...
  10. P

    Wrap it up!!!

    [one of my threads from a week or two ago were deleted..i'm not sure why it was deleted but i wrote about a bad weekend and std's. if it's because i wrote about stds, you can delete this one too and ill know why.] :dunce: this is for all my fellow playas out there. ALWAYS wrap it up. i got a...
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    Asian Young Man, Caucasian Old Man, Asian Young Man

    no it's not a gay threesome
  12. P

    I think im gonna quit smoking weed!!!

    “Marihuana influences Negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on white men’s shadows and look at a white woman twice.” -anti-marijuana campaign, 1934 “Under the influence of hashish those fanatics would madly rush at their enemies, and ruthlessly massacre every one within their...
  13. P

    help picking a strain

    this is a repost...i asked this question in toke and talk but i figured i'd make another thread here for future reference...and also to get more suggestions. i'm pretty much done picking but we'll face the same decision in a few weeks time i'm trying to pick out of getting one...
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    Bentley or Maybach?

    my grandfather is getting a new car this month and he asked me which he should get..i dont know a lot about cars and i love both of those cars. i want a bentley continental gt for myself soon...but or maybach and why?
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    Best Viral Videos to Help Understand Prop 19

    I don't know if this has been posted before but I've been watching these and they're funny. The second video..that girl can fuckin get it.....indabutttttt
  16. P

    drunk as shit

    im drunk as shit and i wanted to star a new thraed...noone has to reply...tbh i never read the faq so idk if this is even allowed..anyway im drunk as shit..i just got a bj from a bartender that loves bud..i got a pre-paid bj for a promise of weed...bahahahahahaha..nah ill prob smoke her out but...
  17. P

    Travel in Asia

    Every 90 days i leave the country (korea) because i'm here on no visa at the moment. i use these occassions to go travel. so far in the past [almost a] year, i've been to singapore, hong kong twice, japan, xiamen china... anyway, i've gota leave by the 25th of november. my boys coming to visit...
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    I need help picking a strain for reasons secret

    so i don't have experience with all these strains here...and i was hoping if some of hte members who have smoked them before can lay down some knowledge. im thinkin bout pickin up like a zip or so...i can split them any way so give me your opinions...
  19. P

    REPOST: Iran (Smuggler welcome to reply)

    This is a repost of my post from the WWIII thread. It was made in reply to Smuggler but I figure it has enough content to start it's own thread. I'm sure this thread can spread out to the Middle East (e.g. al Qaeda, Afghanistan and the Mujahadeen, Zbigniew Brzezinski, other examples of blowback...
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    Interesting Ancient Technologies

    Just ran across this..figured some people might enjoy reading it and looking into it more - kinda like the ghost/unexplained shit i posted earlier