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  1. Dameon187

    Temperatures 16 and below. Pictures attached

    It was 4° today at one point high of 16 tonight will probably be relatively the same. As I have read cannabis stops growing and producing. So would this slow or stop. The ripening process altogether. Just a thought this is where I am
  2. Dameon187

    Opinions wanted. good and bad⏲

    Day and age we're comments are so freely given. I figure I should be able to get some. Is this ready, will it finish in dry
  3. Dameon187

    Three cold nights

    Hoping this not mold, hoping it's color. It's not soft but it's too early only 15° yet it was 9 last night for the third night.
  4. Dameon187

    Hydrogen peroxide for PM.

    Due weather conditions perhaps closeness and proximity of buildings creating some stale air. After Hurricane Lee tropical storm came through. PM appeared,so i Got too looking what I can do. My Approach is dual step and don't know if it's anymore effective. As I didn't have hydrogen peroxide at...
  5. Dameon187

    Hydrogen peroxide

    First time using hydrogen peroxide, and what I understand is extra oxygen. Which would only have extra benefits for cannabis soil as far as I can read. As well as killing other past. Particularly using it for a lite case of pm. 2 weeks from finish or less I applied a good dose today. Also...
  6. Dameon187

    week 7 waiting for buds to thicken

    Is there any way I can help my butt sticking without adding too much nutrient on week 7 just did a flush
  7. Dameon187

    What can I use for home tea to help buds thicken

    I've been completely organic, nutrients I've been using have been enough to at least get me this far. Seems unlacking though on some buds or not thickening up as nice as I would like. If not an organic solution perhaps a bloom I can use in light flour. Due to the many yellowing leaves from the...
  8. Dameon187

    Any opinion on what this is. No rot

    been dealing with this through many buds. Plan is growing well of course not as best as it could be removing some buds I have some on there that have black on them but they're not bad they grew past it and they're doing fine. I still don't know for sure what this black is though. That I'm...
  9. Dameon187

    Am I lacking nutrients

    Many leaves discolored also holes in leaves wondering why, also added a picture of my bud, hoping to get a reference on week. I'm guessing three late. I see a little Crystal starting. I'm in Northern Canada, so Harvest could be end of October. Perhaps earlier as I see some color starting.
  10. Dameon187

    Phytoplasma, virus

    Going to start a thread, on this particular topic."phytoplasma." Not knowing much as I am just learning myself. First attack on my ladies . it's becoming more prevalent that this is more towards outdoor grows. As this virus is past by insects, tree toppers and leaf hoppers . They're passing it...
  11. Dameon187

    Is this a mold ?

    I am wondering wtf this is. Just seeing it today..only bud I see that is is near. Help should I cut that bud.. it is wet out still, going to get better look later
  12. Dameon187

    Unknown Leaf issues

    Hoping I will get a reply in here, I've had significantly issues since the last few weeks of vegetation. I was getting rid of ants, using a soap coffee grind mixture. Then flushed, resolved my issue. Maybe I have some bad roots, I believed most of the damage was from over-watering. Perhaps a...
  13. Dameon187

    Growing in Canada outdoor

    Canadian cannabis producers.(CCP) FOR SHORT. I am interested in knowing what different people's Harvest times are this year. Perhaps some information of when germination started, approximate you welcome it to the Sun. Was it from seed or clones, as well are you growing a strain adapted for your...
  14. Dameon187

    What the issue here.10 photo's

    We're now late August looks like third week of flower. Or late second. if I could get a comment or few so I can work to getting this girl up to maximum yield for what it is. I have a sister clamp beside her that is way smaller so potentially is good might be problem with Gino though. Find out...
  15. Dameon187

    Tobacco and cannabis.

    If you're cultivating cannabis it could be ideal to have a tobacco plant or two nearby. For one their giant leaves and stickiness attract pests that would typically or commonly found near our cannabis grows. Another tip and use for tobacco and cannabis. The large leaves can be ground and used as...
  16. Dameon187

    Dealing with nutrient burn, and removal

    I'm inquiring specifically on a nutrient situation. I'm not in the Freak Out stage, stage of flushed yesterday once. Today heavy rain, still seeing burning on leaves. It's affecting new leafs. As well as it's continuing to burn some others that were already burned. Personally I don't mind those...
  17. Dameon187

    Defoliation question on small branch

    Wondering if this branch is worth keeping as they're small advantages to it other than some great fan leaves. AKA solar panels
  18. Dameon187

    Small space tent.

    I am thinking o will fill up a space that is 3.5 ft wide 6 tall. 3 deep. Need a tent a light .. suggested pots or smart pot.. also I want to use snow fow water this year . That sound like a good idea.. I have the space. We get lots snow so the space of =v... will work out. I will have rain till...
  19. Dameon187

    Questions, defoliation

    Here I have a decent outdoor plant. It's been a struggle to get this far, with decent results in the vegetation stage. Now looking into flower, before that wondering if I should at least trim some lower sites to boost planet energy. I've already top successfully twice. Certainly looking to make...
  20. Dameon187


    Looking for a good image guide, step by step for defoliating photo indica, almost to flower. I'm in Atlantic Canada, guessing flower is 2 to 3 weeks away. Considering forcing, taking comments on that as well. Will post fresh pictures in the morning as there's rain at the moment.