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  1. B

    LP's and Wannabee's Get Your Own Forum-Don't post on the PATIENT forum

    This thread is just for patients to voice their opinions on what they think about LP's and Wannabee's posting their business stuff in the CANADIAN PATIENTS section of this forum. LP's and Wannabees DO NOT post on this thread. I personally feel that this part of the forum has been set aside...
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    Need help please: Kief for cooking butter

    I make mj cooking butter regularly with trim. I use 100 grams of trim usually for a pound of butter. I've recently been making kief from my trim and I'm wondering if I can just use straight kief melted into the butter instead of the old trim method? If anyone here has any experience with using...
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    Price of Weed in the Chicago area?

    What's the price of a pound of weed in the Chicago area go for?
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    Dry Ice Bubble - Frozen Undried Trim vs Dried Trim

    Hey guys. So I've made bubble for years the old fashioned way with regular ice, water, and frozen un dried trim, multi mesh size bags. I am now looking at making it with dry ice to avoid some of the mess etc. I need to process so much trim that is building up in my freezers and I've taken a...
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    Canadian Marijuana Testing Labs

    Anyone have a list of Canadian labs that test THC, CBD, CBN, residual solvents, pesticides, and other contaminants?
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    Wax THC/CBD/CBN Content

    Can Y'all help me with some Q's? 1--What are the averages of THC percentages in non winterized wax/honeycomb. I know they vary depending on strain etc..but just wondering what the range is for the higher thc level strains 2--Same question as above but for winterized wax/honeycomb? 3--What...
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    Posted new thread and no pictures showed up-photobucket always work-what's up?

    Hey mods I posted a new thread here: None of the pics showed up even though they were all there when I previewed the post then when I hit "submit" none of the pics came through?
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    BHO Yield Comparison: Fine Ground Blender Buds Vs. Lightly Hand Broken Up Buds

    A comparison of running butane extracted BHO with fine blender buds vs lightly broken up buds. -Used the exact same crop of Kush buds -used the same glass extraction tubes -packed the tubes with the same procedure and pressure. -used the same number of filters -used the same amount of butane...
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    Elite Rolling Society

    Is this an active part of the forum or is it not up and running?
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    Vac Chamber Lid Seal Is Fucked

    Hey guys I've only had my vac chamber for a couple weeks now and already the seal on the lid is coming unglued from the plexiglass. Seems like when the chamber warms up good for a long period of time the glue starts to melt and the neoprene (or whatever it's made of) seal is coming off in spots...
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    Security Pop Up Page When Posting To Thread

    Hey mods or anybody..When I went to post to a thread today I got a pop up page twice that said it was security page and I needed to fill in the weird font letters in a box to continue with posting to the thread. Is this normal and is actually part of security or am I...