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  1. Unclebaldrick

    Who Could Have Predicted - Pelosi Attack Edition

    Intruder attacks Nancy Pelosi's dad. Dog unhurt. It's a good thing there isn't a web of right wing fringe media calling for attacks on democrats. This week, a Teamster was shocked at the cost of a candy bar in the machine going from $1.00 to $1.35. "Wanna know how we stop this?" he yelled at...
  2. Unclebaldrick

    Putin Dead

    Is a headline I expect to see soon. #psyche
  3. Unclebaldrick

    The queen is dead.

    And I don't mean Morrisey.
  4. Unclebaldrick

    Yet Another Radical Republican Loses Because of Massive Voter Fraud - The Chronicles

    Should have started this therad right away to document the hundreds of Qtards and other right-wing nut jobs that claim or will claim that they lost because of "massive voter fraud". The wave is coming.
  5. Unclebaldrick

    Republicans and Qtards Begin Campaign of Voter Indimidation

    Asshats "Monitoring" Vote Drop Boxes Well, we have checked several of the following boxes already: The U.S. Department of Justice has explained that voter intimidation is conduct that is intended to compel prospective voters to vote against their preferences, or to not vote at all, through...
  6. Unclebaldrick

    Who Murdered Ivana

    Hmmmm, death from blunt force trauma? Really? It sure seems odd that she happened to die right when Trump was at his lowest. I hear Ivanka had started to cooperate with the DOJ. A lot of people are saying that Trump had her killed.
  7. Unclebaldrick

    Suck ups and Toadies.

    Are there more suck-ups and ass kissers these days? It seems like there are to me but it might just be anecdotal. First off, I have been appaled to watch most of the Republican politicians fall in line behind the Trumpists and throw any principles they have away in order to gain the approval...
  8. Unclebaldrick

    Vive La France!

    And fuck you, right wing scum. Macron over Le Pen by 17%.
  9. Unclebaldrick

    Goodbye OANN

    I am saddened to hear that tomorrow is the last day to wallow in the artificial dystopian hell that Donald G Trimp's favorite "news" network portrays. Sadly, Direct TV is cutting them off and OANN's lawsuit stating that Direct TV has to continue to pay them because.... uh... has failed. What...
  10. Unclebaldrick

    Trump Sues Hillary

    The latest squirrel for the weak minded cultists that make up the current Republican Party landed yesterday when former guy Donald Jeanius Trump filed a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton for... something. Lately I have been watching the increasingly unhinged and soon to be defunct One America...
  11. Unclebaldrick

    Daylight Savings Time

    Hot issue. I'm going back to setting local noon from the old way of closely observing a stick in my back yard.
  12. Unclebaldrick

    Zelensky: Martyr or Exile?

    What's the end game for this guy? Is he going to stay and die or bail?
  13. Unclebaldrick

    Convoy of Dunces

    The Washington DC convoy against pandemic mandates is a day late and a dollar short. Behold as their real crackpot motives are revealed. Hilarious how they say that every other protest is funded by (((globalists))) when in reality they are being funded by racists.
  14. Unclebaldrick

    World Domination Planning Thread - Globalists Only

    Well, dammit, that darned convoy stopped our plans of world domination - for now. So what will we try next? Another virus? Co-ed bathrooms? Making it illegal to say "mother", "father" or "Merry Christmas?" How about some more false flag operations with school shootings? Those damn freedom...
  15. Unclebaldrick

    What Could Biden Do To Make The Right Happy?

    @rollitup please close this therad to replies. It has no answer.
  16. Unclebaldrick

    False Flag Bridge Collapse in Pittsburgh.

    Wait for it. "Bridges just don't collapse" "Jet fuel burns at 1300 degrees, steel melts at 1700!" Free-dumb.
  17. Unclebaldrick

    New Year's Resolutions Pertaining to Politics.

    I am resolving to decrease my cynicism. Cynicism kills democracies. They fall when they fail to adequately govern. I believe cynicism in to populace is what makes it impossible. My lower brain functions say: "we're fucked. Democracy will fail in many countries very soon and the totalitarian...
  18. Unclebaldrick

    People Are Saying...

    In these dark and very,, very stupid times. It seems like all you need to do to become an authoritative source is to claim that people are saying something. So let this therad be a compendium of ridiculous conspiracy theories and disinformation that our progeny can reference after the fall of...
  19. Unclebaldrick

    What is the right age to teach your kids why you really hate Nazis?

    We are headed to DC in a couple of weeks and I have been thinking a lot about what to show my six year old. Is she too young to take her to the Holocaust Museum? I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Earlier this month I showed her videos of 9/11 including people jumping to their death...
  20. Unclebaldrick

    Muh Testicles!

    Please describe what the Covid vaccines have done to your cousin's friend's (or friend's cousin's) testicles. Its important.