Search results

  1. Observe & Report

    Ticket Prices Out of Control

    Go on eBay and look for old ticket stubs before year 2000. Find a national act that played at an arena or shed (good chance it is still around under a different name). Put the month/year and face value into the CPI Inflation Calculator at Marvel at ticket prices in the 70's, 80's and...
  2. Observe & Report

    Long Users Showed Avg. IQ Decline of -5.5 points
  3. Observe & Report

    Are you ever surprised after dry and cure?

    How often has a plant or even strain that didn't seem like anything special during bloom really turn out great for you after it was dried and cured? What did you really wish you had kept a cutting of?
  4. Observe & Report

    Trump Legalized Seeds and Clones

    I haven't seen this mentioned much here. Maybe you wondered why seed banks are declaring their seeds to be hemp with less than 0.3% THC or why CBD is suddenly everywhere, in dog biscuits and massage oil? It is because the Farm Bill signed by Trump at the end of 2018 changed the Controlled...
  5. Observe & Report

    Cali High-Cap Magazine Ban Unconstitutional

    There was already a preliminary injunction in place but now it is official.
  6. Observe & Report

    Excessive fines clause applicable to the States

    SCOTUS handed down Timbs v. Indiana today. The 8th amendments excessive fines clause is incorporated and applicable to the States. States can't take property if doing so would constitute an excessive fine. e.g. they can't take your legitimately purchased $40,000 Land Rover just because you...
  7. Observe & Report

    Californians to vote on splitting state Congress will never let this happen because it will fuck up the flag.
  8. Observe & Report

    Cannabis Addiction and the Brain: a Review
  9. Observe & Report

    Super Dave Genetics Crayzie Juice

    Got some Crayzie Juice going, the pack is labeled "Legendary Grape Juice x Dookies BX1" but Super Dave corrected it on instagram. It is actually "Grape Juice x Animal Cookies BX" Not sure, but I suspect Grape Juice is an Urkle cross. This geno is at 44 days, looks like it's going to be a fast...
  10. Observe & Report

    Pack You Bought You're LEAST Likely To Grow

    Hi I'm Observe and Report and I'm a seedaholic. Unless you're the type that only buys as many seeds as you need just before you need them, you probably have some packs in your stash that you're not getting to any time soon. You know, it seems like a good idea at the time but then you find bad...
  11. Observe & Report

    Wet Strippers Inside

    My old Veros are coming up on four years old now and much more efficient strips are available now so it is time to upgrade! My old build is water cooled and was expensive but I have grown four pounds of varying but increasing quality weed with it, so it's really paid off. If you want all the...
  12. Observe & Report

    Seeds Here Now Interview LOL

    There's an interview with "James Bean" owner of Seeds Here Now (not to be confused with James Bean Seedbank??) over at the Pot Cast on Soundcloud I was listening and he starts going off how on he won't sell anything from anyone who started...
  13. Observe & Report

    Samsung Q-series strips

    These are newly available strips based on the LM301B chip and available in 1, 2, and 4 foot lengths. All three lengths have the same number of chips in parallel. This makes it easy mix different lengths by hooking them up in series to a constant current driver and cover odd spaces like three...
  14. Observe & Report

    Stripping YouTube Parameters

    I want to post a YT url cued up at a particular point but last time I tried that RIU stripped all of the parameters from YT urls except "v" (which is the video id.) Please consider leaving parameter "t" intact, this tells YT to start rolling at a certain spot. e.g...
  15. Observe & Report

    Best Nug First or Last?

    Do you dig into the best looking nugget first or do you save the best for last? Personally, I'm a save the best for last type. My bro is best first because he has had too many experiences of losing his stash, either to general stonedness, cops, or just friends stopping by to get high. How...
  16. Observe & Report

    Can't Block Users With Closed Profile

    I don't want to read a particular users posts anymore but there is no way because when you click on their profile it says "this user limits who may look at their profile."
  17. Observe & Report

    What constitutes a "hermie"?

    Nobody wants a hermie and I appreciate it when folks warn about seeds they've run. However, I wonder how much tolerance for intersex expression others have and want to get a sense of what people might be thinking when they say they had trouble with seeds. Almost everything I've run has popped...
  18. Observe & Report

    Who Is More Foolish?

    The special snowflake generation is very upset that the WRONG people WON the election!
  19. Observe & Report

    Clueless eBay Bidders

    always driving up prices
  20. Observe & Report

    More Money Than Time: Blumat Adventure

    I need an auto watering setup. Watering is time consuming and I'm lazy. When I go out of town on a long weekend my plants get really stressed out. I also want to be able to go on vacation for up to two weeks at a time. So I'm building a Blumat system. I have a small perpetual stealthy cab...