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  1. Susanne

    Hose end sprayer troubles!!!!

    I’ve used hose-end sprayers for years, but the last years there hasn’t been one that works. First, we had the mix type. They were a bit more trouble than the mix itself kind I’ve been trying. At least the old ones sprayed out what was in it. The newer type that mixes itself has more problems...
  2. Susanne

    Early flowering…..

    3 years ago, my plants (all varieties) started to flower when they were only 8-12” tall. Way too early. I made a post about it & found a little. They grew with one-tipped leaves instead of 5-6. The buds grew up the stalks instead of the ends. well, it’s happening again. I had just...
  3. Susanne

    what is your favorite germination method?…and why

    Hello again, I’m germinating again, and want to see if there is a better way. In the past, I’ve used paper towels & it worked very well. I stopped due to the possible problem of having the sprouts grow into them. Then, I have now used the water in the glass method…..I’m not sure, but think I’m...
  4. Susanne

    Can I reuse last year’s soil?

    I’ve been getting new soil every year ….I tried reusing it once, mixing it with nutrients & it didn’t work well at all…. but, getting new soil yearly is making for a big pile of it. I really don’t like to waste things, so been meaning to ask…. Can I reuse last year’s? & if so, what can I do...
  5. Susanne

    Ants….. nothing working!

    I posted recently about ants killing my plants. Well, I tried Cinnamon corn meal (actually did the best) Diatomaceous earth I started with 33 plants. four are completely dead. Another 2-3 have the buds now dying. And the rest are ready for the trash heap. This is my 8th year growing. dealt...
  6. Susanne

    Heat, ants = dead & dying plants

    I think I’ve messed up totally this time! We’ve had 100-108 temps every day since late June. It robbed the plants of Potassium & I tried Fox Farm Big Bloom & Tiger Bloom. Only found after lots of searching that the heat causes loss of Potassium. So,st trying. Any suggestions would be great...
  7. Susanne

    Spots on leaves….unable to find this one

    I’ve got a problem which started with one plant only. (I can’t find any photos that look like this) it is almost dead now. The leaves finally all get this & die… Now, a 2nd plant (a really good one, too!) has it. here are the photos. Anyone have an idea what it is? I don’t think it’s...
  8. Susanne

    Decarb buds smoked in vaporizer to use for hash, tincture…

    My nephew, who’s in the cannabis industry , told me I could reuse bud smoked with the vape for edibles, etc. I had been tossing it after I “smoked “ it. My question is: Do I need to decarb it before using? thanks
  9. Susanne

    Is curing necessary if vaping?

    Due to COPD, I’ve had to change from smoking my weed normally to grinding it up and using a ‘Volcano’ to vape it. While it’s nice to not cough anymore, I sure miss the flavor of a good ol’ rolled joint! I’ll still take not coughing, though. Anyway, now that harvest is here, it came to my mind...
  10. Susanne

    Bugs poking holes in veins of leaves. Leaves now falling off

    First, saw holes down the middle veins of the leaves. Then, they went all the way down & now the leaves are dying all the way. Photos show it better: this morning I had full sets of leaves in the pots. They are cutting off at the base of the leaves. I guess soap & Neem oil would probably do...
  11. Susanne

    Need to find a GOOD hose end sprayer…so far no luck

    Need some more help. Ya’ll are my go-to for all good information :D. I’ve got a big bucket load full of unusable hose-end sprayers that I’ve purchased with the hope that maybe, just maybe if I spent enough money one would work….but, so far I’ve gotten a …well a big load of money down the drain...
  12. Susanne

    Is there an RSO sub forum?

    Well, the title says it all ;). I was doing a search the other day & when someone asked a question about RSO they were directed to try the ‘RSO sub forum’, but I sure can’t find one in the sub forums. Is anyone aware of there being one? It would be great. I’ve had so many questions as I make...
  13. Susanne

    Hash capsules. And I thought I’d found something easy….

    I ran into yet another problem. Finally learned how to make bubble hash (still working out the kinks on the drying…to do it without either getting it stuck to whatever I’m trying to grate it or microplane it on…./air dry or in the freezer or refrigerator…those things I’m still wrestling with due...
  14. Susanne

    I’ve been wanting to ask this for awhile now: do you hold it?

    Hi from an ’old’ hippie :hump:. In the ’olden’ days, it was the same; nothing was different, and we knew nothing different either ;). So, comes my question. We also all smoked, and held in the smoke for as long as we could, hoping the longer we held it, the more stoned we’d get…that was the...
  15. Susanne

    Help! I’m stuck to my bubble hash!

    I’m trying to micro plane my frozen bubble hash. Tried to re-freeze the hash & micro planer as I went, but as the photo shows, it’s a losing battle. The hash is in sticky pieces that can’t be planed … too small. And all over my fingers. The hash is too sticky to break up. the hash on my fingers...
  16. Susanne

    Messed up drying bubble hash..again..left on strainer..have ‘1/2 melt’ stuck.

    Well, messed up my 3rd try at bubble hash. This is getting frustrating! My husband is ready for me to go back to making ISO hash. I was having to make it every 4 days though, and it was getting tiresome. Can only make a small amount at a time. Anyway, bubble hash is easier to work with- not as...
  17. Susanne

    Bubble hash flavor: does it make a difference in how you stir it?

    I’m trying bubble hash again today. The first two times it has come out tasting really awful. My husband has to put something over his nose when I smoke it so he doesn’t have to smell it. That’s how bad it is. I made sure it didn’t mold, so that isn’t the problem. I followed the instructions...
  18. Susanne

    Bubble hash with fresh frozen: how is it made differently, if at all?

    I’ve made bubble hash twice now with dried herb, and just finished harvest, so I froze some bud to try fresh frozen. I could only freeze a small amount since I don’t have a deep freezer and didn’t make a batch during the harvest to find out if it was worth it or I would have frozen more if I had...
  19. Susanne

    Trying to dry my buds in higher humidity

    Here we go again. I’ve trimmed my beauties down to hash and bud quality (I don’t trim the ‘hash’ material as much. White Widow doesn’t have many popcorn buds. Most of them are good, bud quality, but I make hash & tincture more than I smoke, so have to decide what to sacrifice for hash….such...
  20. Susanne

    First try for bubble hash with fresh frozen & first question

    I’ve always used dry buds, etc for my hash, but heard you possibly get more yield with fresh frozen, and since I only have an over-under refrigerator/freezer, I can only do it when i harvest unless it turns out great & I buy a small freezer…. But, first I need to find out how much to use when...