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  1. Gratefulgrowin93

    Finally! Got the tone i miss back!

    ever since i had a really bad car accident this year, i couldn't play well for months and months but after i started to heal and play more i noticed the tone of my fender MIM stratocaster running into my fender mustang III (solid state isn't ideal for tone hunters like myself, i know) wasn't...
  2. Gratefulgrowin93

    Finally fixed the nut on my acoustic!

    the nut on my pawn shop acoustic was too low, causing the g, b, and high e strings to hit frets in open position and past the 12th fret, so i couldn't get open position chords and riffs to ring out, as well as licks and leads from the 10th 12th on with a little neck allen wrench adjusting and a...
  3. Gratefulgrowin93

    bit of a rough start but seems to be improving

    on April 16th all the sprouts were above ground in solo cups under a t5 I accidentally ran out of RO when I started so they were watered with tap the first few times but are now on RO water I also planted the seeds in a soil mix I made last year but has been sitting so I think it was almost...
  4. Gratefulgrowin93

    hello everyone!

    I'm a Californian grower, 215 legal with a personal 4 x 4 tent with a 600 watt hps :) nice and simple, I'm new to the forums so any tips navigating things would be helpful. I will be making a journal soon of the grow I just started :) so please stop by if you are interested any tips are much...