Search results

  1. GreenStick85

    Questions on HolyWater etc...

    I did some reading about HolyWater and how it is made. There is no true difference between HolyWater, Live Resin and Terp Juice to bho except they are made using uncured weed. Never tried this but new tech advancements make a tried-and-true process make it seem new. I'm only wondering if...
  2. GreenStick85

    Kief/kid and Scuff/Skuff; are they the same thing?

    If this is in the wrong place admin, by all means please move it. I am only placing this here because for definition reasons I ask this. Is kief or kif the same as Skuff or scuff? I've heard of the kief term long before I heard of skuff. Skuff was mentioned when growers had a massive amount...
  3. GreenStick85

    Buds still on stem

    I asked a buddy who we kinda did a joint grow but it's hardly any of mine. Just supplied with soil and pots. Anyways I opted to ask him if he could leave the buds on the stems. Seems like a good idea but strikes me as old fashioned when most bud came to you on full stems back in 60-70's. But in...
  4. GreenStick85

    Old Books on Cooking

    I took some time while waiting on dinner to be ready to check out some books at a local second hand store. Came upon several older books(70's 80's) about marijuana and cooking. I bought Adam Gottlieb's the art and science of cooking with cannabis. Leafing through this thing, pun unintended...
  5. GreenStick85


    So I went out to check out my jars since some of this stuff will sit until I move within the next few weeks. I came upon some great buds when I first got them and they were jar'd immediately to protect that wonderful picture perfect bud: Srawberry Cough and Snow White. The cough smelled really...
  6. GreenStick85

    Curing a slightly different way...

    When experienced and somewhat novice smokers and growers think of curing, they think of Kerr or Mason jars for their stash and finished plants right? Well upon reading a few online sources of curing and drying, everyone has used a glass jar of some sort. I haven't heard of anything else being...
  7. GreenStick85


    Smoke or cape... admire the smell, bud structure, color of cannabis while you read this. Asking yourself what buds have made you sacrifice some time because that bud looked so well cared for from seed/clone to cured, smokable marijuana? If you're wondering if that is a 'fancy word for a lover...
  8. GreenStick85


    Smoke or cape... admire the smell, bud structure, color of cannabis while you read this. Asking yourself what buds have made you sacrifice some time because that bud looked so well cared for from seed/clone to cured, smokable marijuana? If you're wondering if that is a 'fancy word for a lover...
  9. GreenStick85

    Main topic idea

    I have just briefly scanned the topics in the grow room and other main areas of discussion but hardly see an area for history. This would be cool to have down as legitimate information as to complete like a report perhaps for school now that legalization is going on( I presume more of this is...
  10. GreenStick85

    Smoke Resin?

    I was hoping to get a thread started that had some sort of sick nostalgia and a little bit of fun. So most who have smoked mj have gone through some sort of dry period. If not, lucky fuck, you haven't tasted Desperation on a weed level!!!! But I digress. My point to this was remembering in...
  11. GreenStick85

    Weed from Recreation Shops

    Today I smoked on two occasions: this morning I had a pre-filled cone joint of some Shaqzilla, a recreational store purchase then a bowl of blue dream of my own purchase not from a recreational store. The pre-rolled seemed drier than most and the taste lingered until I smoked the Blue Dream and...
  12. GreenStick85

    Scraping container Issues

    One thing I have found to be difficult is the container used for bho, iso, whatever it is that involves scraping. a regular blade is straight but the most product I see left over is in the corners because they seem to dip down a bit and a considerable amount gets left in the pyrex if I use one...
  13. GreenStick85

    New piece for dabbing, recommendations?

    Im new to dabbing in a sense that I have not bought a proper rig for it yet. My preference is to just get something to get started but my knowledge of dab rigs is that they range from the e nail to a swing arm rig to the nail which can either be ceramic or titanium. The one thing I wish to point...
  14. GreenStick85

    Choice of Flower used for Bho, qwiso or other hash?

    I'd like to know and ask what people like using to make their concentrates to either go after more yield or a more quality product but perhaps less yield due to less product to start with. I only use full flower now but it is all I have access to a the moment. I plan on growing later to have a...
  15. GreenStick85

    Marionberry Kush

    Pictures never do mmj any favors but I rate this high because the smell, taste and general bag appeal of the bud is outstanding. Just shy of some of the densest nugs ever seen by me but definitely some of the most pleasantly fragrant !!!
  16. GreenStick85

    Amber Shatter/wax

    I wish to start off with what I did on a step by step basis: no photos yet but if you want them I can post a few. I apologize to those who find this a bit long to read but I hope to find someone who took a similar road in salvaging hash. *I decided to make bho using indica flowers for the...