Search results

  1. DblBrryInvestments

    Reamend Old Soil?

    Hey guys, haven't posted in awhile because I stopped growing the last 2 years, but want to get something small going next year. I have maybe 5 yds of soil LC's mix Recipe 2 that I used for only one grow. I don't plan on doing anything big, but would like to reuse about 200 gallons of this. How...
  2. DblBrryInvestments

    Need Advice for ROLS.

    Hey guys, been quite inactive lately basically since there is not much going on at my end to be active for. Well, I'm currently prepping for next year, and yes I had a fantastic end to the season, as I hope all of you did as well. I'm sure this would be better posted into the 'Organics'...
  3. DblBrryInvestments

    Pressurized Closed Column w/ Dewaxing Sleeve.

    What's up guys, this year I decided to drop some money on a decent extractor instead of using the normal open blast with a glass tube. I just got a 1/4 lb closed column extractor with the dewaxing sleeve from BVV. I did my first run over the weekend with it and was only able to fit about 2 ozs...
  4. DblBrryInvestments

    Info on Compost Teas

    Was doing some casual googling on compost teas and stumbled upon this post on thcfarmer, which was written quite well and had some great info that may be useful to others like it was for a newbie like myself. This is not my post and I would like to give credit to OpTikFiber from
  5. DblBrryInvestments

    Calcium deficiency?

    Hey guys, I thought I would post a new thread for this outside my journal to try and get a speedy response! I've always gone with super soil and never really had any problems having to diagnose deficiencies since it was always on point, but this year I made my own soil from scratch. One of my...
  6. DblBrryInvestments

    Hermie AutoMazar

    Hey guys, just went out this morning to check on the girls and one of my automazars is showing definite signs of hermie. There isn't many male banannas growing, more pistils, this automazar happens to be my tallest lady standing at inch below 3'. I've been doing some research and apparently I...
  7. DblBrryInvestments

    15x Auto Grow

    Hey guys, I always scroll along the autoflowering threads to check out others, however, I spend most of my time in the outdoor section. I'm growing 7x AutoUltimates, 4x Fantasamo Expressos, and 4x AutoMazars. I have a pretty active Grow Journal under my sig if anyone was interested in...
  8. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    Hey fellow RIUer's, this will be my first grow journal that I plan on finishing it from start to finish. My greenhouse is setup and all my soil is ready and in the pots and garden bed. I germinated the seeds paper towel method 2 days ago now and am expecting some tap roots when I go to check...
  9. DblBrryInvestments

    Watch Live Feed.... Or Sleep In Tent.. Hm?

    Whats up guys, well I've had a pretty good surveillance system set up around my garden with motion sensors although it doesn't alarm me very good and i doubt would wake me up out of sleep... Last thing we want is for all our hard work for the year to get ripped off.... Soo, what would you rather...
  10. DblBrryInvestments

    Considering Chopping A Lady.... What do you think?

    Well, let me first introduce myself once again to the great people on RIU. I am 18 years old, sophomore at santa barbara city college and I love to grow pot. Personally, I hate asking these types of questions (when will she be done, potential yield, etc.) but for personal reasons I am...