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  1. D

    600w+ mover vs 2x 315w lec your thoughts?

    hi folks currently running several 600s of lightmovers and just wondering if id be better off to go to static 315w lec. The layout of my rooms I could get better coverage with 5x 315w then I do with 3x 600w, and the other I could swap 2x600 for 3x 315w. Im not concerned about any power savings...
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    white pistills with seed at base?

    found what looks to be a few small seeds developing yet they have a white pistill coming out them. are these seeds or getting worried about nothing? Theyre small hard seed shape things that have a shriveled appearance, looks different to the other pistil bases. sorry for no photos I dnt...
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    Shipping container grow rooms

    hi folks Would like from others who have ACTUALLY done this. whats your layout? pros and cons? above/below ground? and if you done it again what would you do different? Of course any other info about your setup would be interesting. to kick it off breifly I recently converted a container...
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    Help asap please

    hi there, My rooms been ticking along Nicely for 2 years but this round something is up and leaves are curling badly (upper) mate suggests temp/humidity problem but its all normal and now my Clones for next run have just started doing it please help before they go to s**t :-( photo attached is...
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    3x 315w lec stadium

    Hi guys just a quick pic of my new setup, have got 3x 315w lec running in my wee room with 24x Mr Nice critical mass clones. this is my 2nd time dabbling in vert 1st time didn't work out well, had major heat issues with 2x600w hps and then insects just raped my crop so cleaned out the room and...
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    315w lec- vertical

    Hi Guys, Im wanting to run 2 or3 315w lec's vertically but my mate reckons the bulbs aren't suited for vert and only to be run horizontally. is he full of crap or will my bulbs be fine? thanks in advance :)