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    Wild cherry cookies waffle cone pheno

    well this is my first journal excuse my grammer iphones arent my favorite typing platform.i grabbed a pack of wcc from in house gentics got two fire chicks out of 5 pack,( black cherry pie x animal cookies) i just ran out of canna nutes and only one store in ak is authorized to rep canna and i...
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    Anybody know what this floaty stuff is I shook bottle 3 minutes jack at ak jacks got all pissed when I asked for my money wanted to give me store credit for shit I don't fucking need and I dam sure don't want anymore outdated shit .
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    What type of shroom

    this mutha fucker popped up over nite in canna coir how ? Why ? And what the fuck
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    Ak made dirt oops soil?

    Anything comparable or better then happy frog mixed 75/25 fishy peat?
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    Guy draws 2 pac with kief guys draws pic with weed fucking awsome
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    Best hydro store?

    ak jacks South side Far north Brandys(waymon) Fair trade ?
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    Best quote of the year!

    never interfere with an enemy who is in the process of destroying himself!
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    Might be the right place Watch this is freaking awsome, apbt's are the best breed with the worst name Sorry maybe not the right place but due deservance
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    Let's see it 907 ,thee frosty!

    Cookie jar ( platinum gsc X wifi alien og ) greenlife . Wait for it...............24 days !
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    My CBD plants quin n tonic

    Harlequin X canna tonic 57 days
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    Them glasses though

    Every post I view n leave a message I'm getting the fed eyes watch
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    Nebulyzer for foilar feeding?

    was just wondering how you guy think it would work, only holds a few teaspoons but mists for a good 15 minutes,and. Walgreens got em for $70. My daughter has asthma and my whole fam uses it with colloidal silver to keep lungs virus free,
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    Wild cherry cookies

    from in house genetics animal cookies X black cherry pie . My pheno taste like sugarcane mixed with waffle cone
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    Baton Rouge

    Baton Rouge shooter states that he is acting alone and has no affiliations with any group/movement. He said in the brief video that, “if anything happens with me – because I’m an alpha male, I stand up, I stand firm and I stand for mine til the end, til the last day in this flesh, but I’m not...
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    anybody run thier grow and bloom? I m in coir running canna nutes . No flavor , thinking about running. Ft happy frog with budswell grow and bloom and molasses ? They say it's a flavor game now!
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    the funny friend

    now this is some shit that really happened to me. my buddy had a female pit he wanted to breed i told him let me know when shes ready, he was like how will i know, i said take your left hand first two fingers lift her tail up, rub two fingers onher asshole too the right. if she moves her...
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    greenlife ? anyone

    had a pack of cookie jar 5 pack got lucky and got a super fire yielder . platnium gsc x wifi alien og pure muscle? anybody other strains?
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    seedsherenow wow

    so super fast shipping freebies low prices,supurb customer service,, fire genetics. now lets hear about end results? here is my list of shame on me's. all 5 pack seeds bubble gum 3 females no gum taste or smell one throws king kong balls @ wk 6 and other two yield but way below...