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  1. combatant

    My thoughts on the Las Vegas massacre

    I looked through the other thread and responses on here but I wanted this issue separate. I have drawn two conclusions on this. First, when I go to the dispensary I am limited on how much I can purchase but I could go to the gun store and buy all the weapons and ammo I want. Secondly, there is...
  2. combatant

    The perfect arguement for legalization..... Cannabis prohibition was all based on racism against blacks and Hispanics. Therefore, anyone who supports the prohibition of cannabis is a white...
  3. combatant

    Hemp Car-Jay Leno's Garage

    Jeff Sessions needs to see this.
  4. combatant

    Go Jets!!!
  5. combatant

    Go Jesse Our government should be shot, then deported.
  6. combatant

    100 joints in 3 minutes..... What will they think of next??
  7. combatant

    Your tax dollars at work.... Be sure to read the comments under the article.
  8. combatant

    I'm the new guy on the block

    However, I am a long time activist who stood and spoke at rallies with Jack Herer in Colorado. I stood petitioning on the front lines 25 years ago. This site looks active so I may do some posting here. I am enjoying watching the tables turn and I am having lots of fun with those who told me how...
  9. combatant

    Hope this is a better site to be on.......

    I am a very long time cannabis user and became politically active about 25 years ago when I stood on the front lines for many years. I am honored to have spoke with Jack Herer at rallies.