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  1. OldAK-MTF907

    30 DAY EVICTION NOTICE! What would YOU do?!

    Hey people, I am NEEDING some solid advice here & ASAP! I will spare the details but tell you the ONLY semi-justified excuse/"reason" our landlord-slumlord has to evict us is (Some info. I removed for anonymity) & it seems now, near the end our lease they decided to take the cheap, cowards way...
  2. OldAK-MTF907

    Come hell or high water...made it to harvest!

    Well, after FAR more bull-ish than I've EVER had the misfortune of dealing with before during a ONE & ONLY stinky bitch crossed the finish line! If this post may serve as a lesson, guideline of errors to avoid or possibly even a tale of triumph to a ganja gardener down the road then I...
  3. OldAK-MTF907

    Come hell or high water...made it to harvest!

    Well, after FAR more bull-ish than I've EVER had the misfortune of dealing with before during a ONE & ONLY stinky bitch crossed the finish line! If this post may serve as a lesson, guideline of errors to avoid or possibly even a tale of triumph to a ganja gardener down the road then I...
  4. OldAK-MTF907

    Could use some input from experienced pollen collectors/diy breeders!

    Howdy folks, so I'm not 100% certain if I botched my plan to pollenate a singular, low stalk bud or not, yet. I have a strain that doesn't want to let me "monster crop"/flowered clone it so I decided it was worth my time to keep her strain alive for a future grow & collect pollen from the nicest...
  5. OldAK-MTF907

    Any ideas what strain this could be?

    Hey there people, I've been working with this more or less "random bag seed" type for over a year now. I originally got the seeds from a friend who visited a few different dispensaries in CO in 2015 & supposedly he found the seeds in one of the buds he purchased...! Sounds like pretty sloppy...
  6. OldAK-MTF907

    2 of 14 plants have tiny webs...spidermites?

    Let me start by saying I've dealt with the terrorist little bastards (spider mites) before, years ago while helping friends with their plants. Currently- I had a couple small cacti that I uprooted and planted 2 years ago, a mint plant and a kale plant all within a small grow space with 14 small...
  7. OldAK-MTF907

    Monster crop clone grown up & ridiculously dense

    Months ago I began some experimenting with flowering clones (aka monster crop clones) which started initially because I ended up with a random bagseed that turned out to be gorgeous, sweet & potent, so naturally I wanted to keep the strain alive to grow it another day...however this was roughly...
  8. OldAK-MTF907

    This old monster cropped clone plant & these fμ©]<¡Ω fungus gnats!

    Howdy ladies & genitalmen, I'm jumpin' back on here in hopes of getting the experienced & wise to share/divulge some of their experience & wisdom with me. 1st off I have a gorgeous, stinky, gooey monster cropped clone plant (sheez, mouthful of a title!) moving right along into 12/12 with no...
  9. OldAK-MTF907

    Who thinks TRUE "MTF" (matanuska valley thunder-f%#k) seeds are truly available online???

    Yeah...basically just the title! And I intend to direct this question more so to Alaskan natives (people native to!) or really anyone who lived in the valley & took part in growing/distributing/smoking during the 70's-80's. I was born & raised there from the late 70's on through the...
  10. OldAK-MTF907

    Major difference bewteen "blackstrap" & general unsulphured molasses near harvest?

    I'm just wondering if the stock factory store bought unsulphured molasses is as good, or is possibly lacking anything compared to one specifically titled "blackstrap" unsulphured molasses? Do they both benefit the soil the same & help before harvest?
  11. OldAK-MTF907


    So about 25 days ago I left on a 2 week vacation, leaving behind 3 lovely ladies ALL from random bag seed, lit w a 400 watt hps, approx.4-ish weeks into bud. I bought a $40 automatic timed water pump (reservoir filled w about 5 gallons of water w light bloom nutes added) to keep them fed while I...
  12. OldAK-MTF907

    My flowered clones are drooping...?!

    Howdy, new here but not to makin' the green happen. I have a recent success rate of 100% getting "monster crop"/ flowered clones to root, however it was only 1 attempt with 1 cutting. Moving along, just took 7-4 days ago which are all longer than 6" & after reading more than a couple threads...