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  1. T

    Seeds from Wish website

    The seed from wish
  2. T

    Seeds from Wish website

    would i be way way off-track thinking this might just be a female?
  3. T

    Seeds from Wish website

    Well from 3 seeds i got 3 diffrent types One looks like sativa (sad to say MALÉ) one more like indica (small and bushs no sign of sex, this plant has been more of a test plant going through some stress) and the last one 100% FEMALE but as we all know, reallity hits you hard bro. She was the all...
  4. T

    Seeds from Wish website

    Also a Great way to ring up a growbox gow many plants you got? have you tought about 12/12 Flowering stadge just for the outcome? :)
  5. T

    Seeds from Wish website

    So wish seeds = wish weed (one can only wish) good as it gets.
  6. T

    Seeds from Wish website

    My gf orderd some seeds for the fun To see what would emerge. She want some hemp her self and would be happy IF its actully hemp, me on the other side. Hmm one can simply not know until further exploration