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    Sticky traps touched flowering cannabis

    So I had to use blue sticky traps, but it fell on to the plant. It only touched some of the leaves. Is it still safe to smoke it?
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    Is this ready for harvest?

    No, I didn't flush it yet. I use organic nutrients so I dont know if flushing is really necessary.
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    Is this ready for harvest?

    I'm in day 72. The strain is royal creamatic. The plant was really damaged by thrips, so I didn't bother to buy a jewelry loupe. Thanks for the asnwers!
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    How long can thrips survive in a room with no plant?

    There is some plants, but there are no thrips on them.
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    How long can thrips survive in a room with no plant?

    I want to start growing in winter, but I had some thrips problem this summer. There is no plant in that room right now.
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    Is this deficiency or leaf septoria?

    Yeah, I have thrips. I sprayed multiple times with neem oil since the start of the grow, and I will put out blue sticky traps tomorrow.
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    Is this deficiency or leaf septoria?

    It is on almost all of the biggest leaves. Is this some kind of deficiency?
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    Thrips problem

    Hi! I started growing indoors, then moved it outside. Im in week 4 and noticed thrips. Tried neem oil but it did not work. Can I still spray the plant down? It just started flowering a little bit. I could buy online: SMC spidermite control, which also works for thrips. Sadly , I cant buy...
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    Can I use Biobizz nutes with Plagron grow mix?

    I had no more Biobizz light mix so I had to use Plagron grow mix. My soil looks like this : 70% light mix, 30% grow mix. Can I still use Biobizz nutes? Is it a problem that I mixed the two soils?
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    Fan blowing air at drying buds?

    So I had a small fan blowing air directly to the drying buds for one day. Now its just circulating the air in the room. Am I good like this? Is this one day going to affect something? Thanks for the help!
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    Should I harvest now?

    I'm in the 10th week and already chopped down half of the plant, but I still have to flush 2 or 3 days and I'm using biobizz nutes. Should I harvest it now or at wednesday when I come home?
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    Ready to harvest?

    About 5 weeks ago.
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    Ready to harvest?

    I'm in the 10th week. Top leaves already yellowing hard.
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    Leaves yellowing on top

    Thanks for the fast replies!
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    Leaves yellowing on top

    I'm in the 10th week. I am feeding as usual. Temps are good aswell.
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    Leaves yellowing on top

    I'm about two weeks to harvest, and one day the top leaves started to yellow.Any ideas? Im using biobizz nutes.
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    When to cut?

    This is my first grow, cant get better pictures right now.
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    White spots on older leaves?

    I'm using biobizz nutes and only the lower leaves(only 2 leaf) are affected.
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    Is this bud rot?

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    Is this bud rot?

    It is my first grow, and still learning things. I thought the brownish pistils are too early.