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  1. 420bob

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    Okay I think I'll take it down because this plant has been in the flowering stage for last five maybe six weeks and I have another one next to it that is almost 7 foot tall and I don't want it to get on to that one so I will take your advice and get a little bit out of this plant then losing all...
  2. 420bob

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    I was just wondering if you could help me I have a plant that I have two branches that had Bud rot on them so I cut the whole Branch down I need to know should I take the whole plant and pull it or just leave it go
  3. 420bob

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    I need a little bit of help I have one plan yeah I've already cut off two branches that had Bud rot on them I need to know if she should I take the plant out or should I leave it go
  4. 420bob

    Gypsum - stop putting chemicals in your soil!!

    I need a little bit of help I have one plant that I have some bud rot on I've already taken the whole Bud off I needI need to know if I should pull the plant or Let It Go on the plant is roughly 6 weeks in the flowering stage I need to know what I should do with this I will upload a picture so...
  5. 420bob

    Canadian Suppliers

    I need a little bit of help I have one plant to has two spots that I've already cut the branches off with Bud rot I need to know if I should pull the whole plant or just leave it go I'm hoping you can help me on this I can upload a picture so you can see it
  6. 420bob

    Canadian Suppliers

    Now this plant has been in the flowering stage for the last roughly six weeks I'm I'm going to upload a picture and this the plant that had the Bud rot so try to give me a little bit more advice on this
  7. 420bob

    Canadian Suppliers

    Okay thank you I wasn't too sure if I should take the plant now before it starts to rain or just leave it go but I will go take it down I'll pull it out right now thank you for your time and the information
  8. 420bob

    Canadian Suppliers

    I need a little bit of help from someone I have one plant that has some bud rot on it I did cut the bad spots out of the bud I took the whole Bud off the plant but I need to know should I pull the whole plant or just leave it go
  9. 420bob

    Canadian Suppliers

    It did get a little cold it dropped down to like 55 degrees where I'm at but right now we are having warmer nights I will keep watching it for the next 2 to 3 weeks hopefully I get some good stuff out of this thank you for your help I will let you know how it all turns out thank you for your time
  10. 420bob

    Canadian Suppliers

    That one is a strawberry Kush and then I have a lemon kush but that plant is about six and a half foot tall and and it seems that one is a a little late on budding but the strawberry Kush 1/2 stems of it are turning purple is that normal
  11. 420bob

    Canadian Suppliers

    There is one thing I do not understand the stems on my plant are actually turning purple is that normal
  12. 420bob

    Canadian Suppliers

  13. 420bob

    Please help me first grow!!

    So you're saying I got 3 to 4 weeks of growing time left
  14. 420bob

    Canadian Suppliers

    These plans are Outdoors so they've been outside since April
  15. 420bob

    Canadian Suppliers

    Would it hurt to plant if I cut a branch off and and dry it out and try it that way because they have a strong odor to them
  16. 420bob

    Please help me first grow!!

    Can someone help me this is my second year growing and I am not too sure when to pick my plants I will post a picture can someone please help me with this
  17. 420bob

    Canadian Suppliers

    I need help I am a first-time grower for the second year I am not too sure when my plants are are ready to be picked can someone please help me with this I would like to post a picture of them but I don't know how to