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  1. Billy25

    Pour-thru test

    True. Microbes and vermiculite, with assorted sticks and other material I imagine was dredged up with the peat. Not even sure I believe the Nitrogen test because I have a very happy Northern Lights growing in the stuff. The flowers that died were celosias, if that matters.
  2. Billy25

    Pour-thru test

    Pen meter. Up to 9999 micro moles
  3. Billy25

    Pour-thru test

    Ok, nobody? .............. May have answered the issue myself. Put some new media, fresh out of the bag in a solo cup, rinsed a couple times, then captured the runoff. Here's what I got: RO water: 32 ppm runoff water >800 ppm Maybe N6 on the Nitrogen?
  4. Billy25

    Pour-thru test

    I am curious about the results I get doing a pour-through test of pH and EC. I read a publication by Purdue University agricultural extension that described the process of soaking the media in water, letting it stand an hour, then pouring more water through and catching what drains out of the...
  5. Billy25

    Yellowing leaves at start of flowering

    Spinosad applied yesterday. As soon as you mentioned it, I got some and sprayed the plants. Roughly head-of-pin size, no bigger. May be my eyesight, but I need a magnifier to see them. The poop I can spot due to the color contrast.
  6. Billy25

    Yellowing leaves at start of flowering

    Yes! Just like that. Insect droppings? I did finally see just one little bug - beige short-legged spider-looking thing.
  7. Billy25

    Yellowing leaves at start of flowering

    Very interesting article; thanks for the link. I try to be "scientific", and change only one variable at a time till it becomes clear that one change has had an effect or not. Still not convinced that the damage is spider mites, as the black specs don't look like any of the pictures I've seen...
  8. Billy25

    Yellowing leaves at start of flowering

    Plants all sprayed down now with that brand of Spinosad. Will spray again this weekend. I guess time will tell now.
  9. Billy25

    Yellowing leaves at start of flowering

    ?? Leaves getting very yellow, and plant needs much more time in flowering.
  10. Billy25

    Yellowing leaves at start of flowering

    I am so coming around to this way of thinking. Aside from getting tired of measuring out liquids from 4 bottles (pH Down included), it just doesn't seem to be working well. I've read other threads where folks have used Jack's 20-20-20 (or 20-10-20) and have had good luck. I've been giving...
  11. Billy25

    Yellowing leaves at start of flowering

    Thanks so much to everyone who looked at the photos and made suggestions! I looked at the leaves under a magnifying glass, and sure enough, REALLY tiny black spots that seem clustered near the damaged areas. These things are SO small, even under magnification I still can't make out any form...
  12. Billy25

    Yellowing leaves at start of flowering

    Plants are in soil (cheap Kellog's Patio-Plus). In cloth grow bags, 10 gal.. Feed water is around 900 ppm I feed them with each watering. Spots are a lighter yellow, not at all shiny.
  13. Billy25

    Yellowing leaves at start of flowering

    These are about 3 weeks into flowering under a LED light (that may have been a bit too close). GH Flora series nutrients. Plant is a White Widow. They started yellowing around the time of flowering. Water is city tap water that runs 480 ppm and 8.1 pH out of the tap. I'm using GH Flora series...
  14. Billy25

    Calcium For Newbies

    Yes, adjusting pH from 8.2 (tap water) down to 6.3 after adding the liquid nutes.
  15. Billy25

    Calcium For Newbies

    That's for sure. I've only recently learned that I've been using 450 ppm water all along. Do you think I'm getting some nutrient lockout? There are about 3 weeks into flowering under a LED light (that may have been a bit too close). GH Flora series nutrients. Plant is a White Widow. They...
  16. Billy25

    Calcium For Newbies

    Not specifically calcium relate, but if you can forgive a "dumb" newbie question: My tap water is 480 ppm or 970 ms/cm When following manufacture instructions to mix nutrients, do I simply subtract out the ppm that I started with to get the desired concentration? Or is the math more complicated...
  17. Billy25

    Soil quality matters...

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm also new at this, just doing a second, late grow now. I first started using Kellogg's patio-plus, a cheap wood-based potting soil. Results were OK, but I just had a feeling - with no basis for comparison - that the plans grew too slowly. Nine months to...
  18. Billy25

    Winter outdoor harvest in SoCal, is it possible?

    I got fooled by the same charts and wondered why my outdoor plants weren't flowering. On Dec. 21 here in SoCa, yes there are 10 hours between sunrise and sunset (and, 14 hours between sunset and sunrise). But none of that really matters because it isn't dark enough to cause flowering right...
  19. Billy25

    Will cheap solar-powered LED footpath lights fool cannabis to stay in veg during winter?

    Yes, and the formula for baseline is complex - by design - but is roughly 260kwh for most. Average US household electric usage is 909kwh, so most usage above a household average (those lamps!) is charged at the High Usage rate (4x baseline).
  20. Billy25

    Will cheap solar-powered LED footpath lights fool cannabis to stay in veg during winter?

    I'm going to try the night-interruption method myself. Fortunately, I have electric on the balcony, and can use a timer. I hear you on your electric rates, but you are better off than I am in San Diego: Summer: $.50568 Winter: $.42246...