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  1. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Gotta say, I am somewhat shocked with how little cannabis knowledge some people have that are working at the stores. I am not sure what I was expecting, but I did think that the employees would know the genetics behind the strains they are selling. Also, I asked about changing my dispensary to...
  2. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Actually shit, I will just ask if anybody has changed their dispensary and how did that process go? My question about changing it to a dispensary in another "district" or county might be too specific. EDIT: I just called Dispensary 33 in Chicago and was told you can change to anywhere within...
  3. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Wow, we are close. Like I said, mine got sent to my address in Rockford. I got mine on day 88 or day 89. Does anybody know if you can change to a dispensary is a county/"district" that is outside of where you registered? Essentially my card is registered in Winnebago County, but I would like to...
  4. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Just want to say my card arrived yesterday. I am not home to use it of course, but will be venturing home on Friday to put it to use. Looking forward to it. Anybody have a word on the quality of the concentrates available in the shops?
  5. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    I will just tell them to keep their eyes out for it. Thanks! I've asked them a few times if it has came, so they will probably give me a call. Then I have to go back and not only change my dispensary but also my address. That looks like its more of an effort then I thought it would be. It might...
  6. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    I gotta switch as well, but I am going to make a purchase before I do. I was out of the city for a few months and moved back. I guess thats good because of more selection. Does the card come in a package or a letter? Anybody know? I likely won't be around to receive it but have relatives that...
  7. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    One of my first jobs was actually working one of those machines. It was the summer before I started college. I learned two things: 1. I could deal with people really upset and irate and it just didn't seem to get to me like the other workers. I tended to be able to calm them down. 2. Everybody...
  8. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Well that's basically falling in-line with what we originally thought right? (We have around the same submission day). It seemed apps were moving faster for awhile but that might not have really been the case. I had 12/20 circled as the time I should be getting my card originally. I haven't...
  9. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    If you only send a few workers to process a massive number of apps then you are indeed slow walking. We know the last administration literally on record tried to veto medical marijuana. This is the type of stuff they pull all the time to basically pout. I have worked state jobs in the past and...
  10. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    It's not their fault, they aren't making the staffing decisions. All it does is slows it down. It would basically be like going to a massive food restaurant chain and then complaining over and over again to the fry cooks and people at the front counter. If you want to complain, email your local...
  11. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    I might Monday or Tuesday. When I first did my app online, I had no idea how long the process was. So it was a bit of a shock, but I think once you get over that and accept that its going to be awhile, it gets slightly easier. I am pretty glad that I am going to have a very nice tolerance break...
  12. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    So we have the same day. We have to be pretty close. Probably within the next week or two you would think. The holidays do tend to slow things done due to vacations and the massive amount of packages that are shipped though. I think we get it before xmas for sure.
  13. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    I did online and submitted it 9/20. No card yet. I paid via a CC, so it was processed automatically. I haven't used Cannabis in over 2 months. Its been extremely difficult, but when I submitted my card app I swore to myself that I was done dealing with drug dealers. In the end, I am glad I did...
  14. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Completely wrong. Frankly, I am wondering how you could have such a misunderstanding, I honestly think there is deliberate misinformation going on. Not from you but from people that were associated with Rauner's campaign. Medical and Recreational marijuana tends to have support even among some...
  15. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Ohhh, I see. So its packaging.... I spent a lot of time talking to somebody that worked for Revolution at the "Yes We Cann" event in Chicago and was impressed with how much they knew about Cannabis in general. Some of the other reps, well they seemed to be there more so because they were...
  16. K

    Medical Card for Gout?

    Right now, the Illinois program is very restrictive and if you do not have a specific QI, the doctor is not going to legally be able to sign the paperwork needed. My suggestion is to look into the candidate in the state and your are that are both pro medical marijuana and pro recreational...
  17. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Terp profile is so important when picking out a product, especially flower. We should be able to smell the product. I have had flower that looks great but doesn't smell that good and it almost always turns out to be garbage. On the other hand, I have had flower that doesn't look that good but...
  18. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Those that have applied via 3rd party places I have a question: Are you guys being given a login or a way to access the IL patient portal? You can upload forms and complete the entire application process electronically on your own. This is especially useful for those of us that have QIs on...
  19. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Except when you don't like what it says apparently. First of all, you completely miss-characterized my posts. It seems like you are personally angry about me supporting pro-cannabis politicians. Secondly, the post right above yours doesn't have a political statement at all. Third, I have never...
  20. K

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Illinois politics and politicians is related to this discussion. Especially the Governors race. I haven't talked about national level politics at all. I agree with you on that part, but I don't think its wrong to point out that there are pro-MMJ and anti-MMJ candidates in the state of Illinois...