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  1. mrdxm100%

    i love tech but its basicly good enough

    i love tech i dont want to go back to the days of dial up but come on if tech gets to good we'll lose all are freedom cops will know everything about us an be able to bust us on anything i would be fine if technolagy stop getting better in the next 10 - 15 years and just froze
  2. mrdxm100%

    some bud i came across

    so i got outa jail a couple years ago and have been stuck on probation for awile just got off about 8 months ago anyway i been stuck in virginia and havent been able to locate any real good herb but about 6 months ago i hitch hiked to dc and was hanging out downtown when i saw some guys smokeing...
  3. mrdxm100%

    funny story about dxm in my youth

    so i've managed to get about 15 miles away from my house i'm in the middle of the city when i think damn i should go jak a bottle of robotussin not just a reg bottle but the biggest one so i run into cvs and steal a big bottle of robo tussin and go behind the store and tilt the thing back and...
  4. mrdxm100%

    Active DXM trip report (HBr and polistirex mix)

    I love dxm and have been useing it for 16 years its one of the greatest mind expanding drugs ever i cant stand how alot of these sites harsh on people for useing dxm or delete threads about dxm man i'm just trying to enhance my life with dxm
  5. mrdxm100%

    blood thinners and tripN

    so i have heard of people takeing mushrooms and acid while on blood thinners even people takeing the exact same meds as me but in higher dose and i'm wondering if its ok to take dxm while on blood thinners i was thinking about 1680 mg's to start with