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  1. edouble2369

    Ordering LSD from online?

    Where did you purchase it from? What was the company name?
  2. edouble2369

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I Don't get it all 8 of the things you mentioned I'm glad that we got out of them except for NAFTA and UNESCO and those might be included also but i have no idea what they are so I can't comment on them two until I do a little research. But why would you want to remain in any of those other...
  3. edouble2369

    Hung dry 7 days

    I just hang them until the stem snaps. Remove them from the stem and put them in a jar with a mini hygrometer and I also use a 62% bidirectional humidity packet just in case. If its above 65% I'll leave the cover off until it gets to around 64%, after that the packet can handle any...
  4. edouble2369

    First ever grow.

    Looking good, are you feeding or just watering?
  5. edouble2369

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    I'm sorry but screw this guy, I'm a veteran and I consider him a traitorous lying weasel. He got what he deserved in the end, I guess. You know what his fellow "POW's" called him, "Songbird McCain", because from the second he was captured he was singing like a bird. Told them everything they...
  6. edouble2369

    Ordering LSD from online?

    I'm interested..