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  1. D

    Stay away from ILGM!!!!!!!

    I used Premium seeds and ILGM and they performed equally. They were fem blue Dream, grown outdoors, started in pots with a heat mat in early March. They were harvested in August/beginning of Sept. We had less bugs than usual this year probably due to a lot of beneficial nematodes applied on the...
  2. D

    Regalia IPM for preventative in day 10 of flower?

    I grow outdoors near the ocean, so I have to spray my flowers sometimes. I use milk and regalia, not together. I use regalia mostly as a drench, but that is not enough. In recent years, it is harder and harder to get good finished buds due to more moisture in the air. We didn't used to have...
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    Stay away from ILGM!!!!!!!

    I just did a test with Premium Seeds and ILGM, and ILGM performed just fine. I do not like the soak method, and do not use it. When I didn't use a heat mat and domes I had bad outcomes (after 2019...before that i could start them outside in a pot and they all came up quickly). When I left the...
  4. D

    Stay away from ILGM!!!!!!!

    I have done 6 years outdoor with ILGM blue dream feminized (terrible luck with other strains). The plants that grow, and don't get mold, are REALLY AMAZING in every way. We smoke and make edibles for personal medical use. The weather here lately is our main issue...even worse than the bugs...
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    Stay away from ILGM!!!!!!!

    When I had that problem with Blue Dream and I reported it, they send me new seeds without any problem. When I couldn't report it correctly with the code from the little pouch, and I waited way too long to report it (or plant the seeds), then I could not get a refund. Usually I do not have a...
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    Stay away from ILGM!!!!!!!

    I had germination problems with blue dream, but I realized they needed heat, and my seed mat fixed that. Then I found out I have a bird problem. Also I had under and over moisturized the seedlings...mine are outdoors. I thought their seeds are weaker than they used to be, because they didn't...
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    Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - What’s your routine?

    I finally just learned that spraying with milk actually works for mold on my 5th outdoor organic grow year. Also I learned that buds can be washed! I use Regalia, Spinosad, venerate, botanigard, grandevo. I try to use sparingly but admit I'm not careful enough about wind getting a little spray...
  8. D

    Anybody using Grandevo CG, Venerate CG, and / or Regalia?

    This year I used all 3 Marrone products, and also used spinosad, BT, and Botanigard I did not get a clay residue from Grandevo. I made a very small spray bottle and a very fine spray on my outdoor plants. But I also didn't see noticable good results from grandevo once peak bug season arrived. I...
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    Evaporating Green Dragon: Everclear Hash

    I am using the frozen method on already decarboxylated buds (using the Ardent Lift). I wait an hour or two for the alcohol to do its work, and shake frequently before straining. Then, the tincture goes into a shallow wide pyrex dish to evaporate a lot of the alcohol off. I put the dish on a...