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  1. sstayspaded

    Thoughts on GH Diamond Nector?

    Hi everyone was considering adding gh diamond nector to my line up and was trying to see what your guys thoughts/experience is/was with using it is it worth using im currently running head formula/lucas formula but altered to 3ml of micro and 6ml of bloom with armour si and calmag currently in...
  2. sstayspaded

    yellowing spots and ripples on leaves

    thanks trees! im gonna add back the calimagic and see what that does.i will keep you updated with info and pics.✌️
  3. sstayspaded

    yellowing spots and ripples on leaves

    thank u for the info also trees!…yeah sorry i meant altered head formula cause the original head formula is 6ml micro and 9 ml of bloom per gallon i was reading another post that spoke of the nitrogen toxicity using the head formula with calmag and he was saying he bumped it down to 3ml of micro...
  4. sstayspaded

    yellowing spots and ripples on leaves

    thanks for the info harley greatly appreciated. im running a altered head formula so im just using micro and bloom no grow …using micro 3ml per gallon and bloom at 6ml per gallon my temp and humidity sensor is postition right at the top of my canopy ill post pick of day time temps there at 75...
  5. sstayspaded

    yellowing spots and ripples on leaves

    Hey whats up guys im trying to narrow done whats causing these yellowing spots on the leafs . ive tried flushing with phed 6.0 water and clearex and running less nutrients but still getting yellowing spots on some leafs. in using gh flora micro and bloom altered head formula 3/6 per gallon and...