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  1. U

    HELP: Oil from material with bud rot? (botrytis cinerea)

    Thanks guys! Around how much solvent can be filtered before a filter is done?
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    HELP: Oil from material with bud rot? (botrytis cinerea)

    Thanks for your reply Fadedawg, highly appreciated! The plant material is already dry, even the moldy parts, so its very hard to separate the effected parts from the better looking bits, don't want to handle the plant material to much either since it may stir up clouds of spores.. Would it be...
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    HELP: Oil from material with bud rot? (botrytis cinerea)

    Hello all! I have a bunch of plant material with bud rot (botrytis cinerea).. i do not want to trow all this material away and thought it may be possible to make oil from it, but i need help to get this done right so its clean and safe to consume. Will Decarboxylation at 110 degrees Celsius...