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  1. D

    bodhi seeds

    Hey guys, got some test seeds that I'm trying to figure out how long to plan/schedule for roughly. I have Orgasmatron x 88'G13xHP(assuming as said Orgasmatron x HP on bag) Wookie 7 x space monkey From what I can see I'm thinking 9-10 weeks indoor. Can anyone shed anymore light? have you...
  2. D

    bodhi seeds

    Thanks for the replys :) Space Monkey or More Cowbell remix?
  3. D

    bodhi seeds

    Hey guys, I'm late to the party and only heard of Bodhi recently. Yes I live under a rock! Have 12 years grow experience from 2x4kw vertical octagons, to now my relatively modest 4x8 tent with 2kw(2 x 600w+400w vertical bulb stacks) with 12 plants in 3 -5 gallon pots. Always been organic soil...