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  1. M

    Light Recommendations

    It depends on the time of year. In the summer I don’t have issues with the temp, it usually sits around 80-85 when lights are on and drop maybe 5 degrees when lights are off. Winter its around 75-80 in the day and drops to 70 or so at night when the lights are off. I have to run a small heater...
  2. M

    Light Recommendations

    This was from about 3 weeks ago
  3. M

    Light Recommendations

    Thanks. I’ll look at this. Would you run this along with the Mars or instead of it?
  4. M

    Light Recommendations

    Hi, I was wondering if I could get some recommendations for additional lighting for my tent. I currently have a 3x3x6.5 tent with a Mars II LED grow light 900W. I grow 4 plants at a time and have had success so far, but I find the yields are low. Maybe a 2-3 dry oz per plant. I’d like to add...
  5. M


    Hey I just harvested my first grow and am planning on making tinctures. My question is, after drying is complete, do I need to cure the flower that I plan on using for the tincture? I plan on decarbing it in the oven. The flower I plan to use for vaping i will cure. Thanks
  6. M

    Trichomes Help

    Thank you
  7. M

    Trichomes Help

    Hi This is my first grow and I need a little help judging the trichomes. Both plants are at 7 weeks flowering. The first two pictures are of a Northern Lights plant and the last picture is a strain called Candida (10 - 15% CBD, less then 1% THC). I have a wifi magnifyer, but it’s difficult to...
  8. M

    Transplant Question

    Thanks for all the replies. I’ve decided to let everything dry out completely and start waterering less amounts. I will keep going with what I have and when I start my next grow I will correct all the soil/pot issues I’ve had. Thanks again
  9. M

    Transplant Question

    Any recommendations on the best way to transplant? I want to remove as much of the old soil as possible before placing them in fresh soil without damaging them.
  10. M

    Transplant Question

    I was giving 1 Gallon per 5 gallon pot
  11. M

    Transplant Question

    They’re in 5 gallon pots right now. I think I will repot them. It’s been almost a week since I last watered, the top inch or so is dry, but after that the soil is wet and the pots still weigh a ton. Thanks for the replies
  12. M

    Transplant Question

    I’ve been having a lot of issues with my soil since the beginning. I used a combination of Happy Frog and Gaia Living Soil, unfortunately I didn’t add perlite and am seriously regretting that oversight. After I water, my soil can take up to a week to dry. I’ve been having a lot of issues because...
  13. M

    Help please!

    Thank you Merry Christmas
  14. M

    Help please!

    Ok Thank you
  15. M

    Help please!

    If I use shawnery’s numbers, even conservatively, it must have been around 900 - 1000
  16. M

    Help please!

    Wow I’m just going to use pHed water for the next few waterings.
  17. M

    Help please!

    I need to back way off then. I’ll try the more frequent watering with smaller amounts of water like you guys recommend. Hopefully my plants forgive me, this is my first grow.
  18. M

    Help please!

    The recommended dose is 20ml/gallon, I used 15ml Each plant received 1 Gallon of water Plus around half a tablespoon of epsom salt per gallon
  19. M

    Help please!

    I will do that Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.
  20. M

    Help please!

    Water has 130 then added nutrients until at around 650