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  1. SlownLow86

    Let's see your auto grows!

    Black Strap Auto from Gnome Automatics
  2. SlownLow86

    improving my alcohol extracts

    After maceration, I strain into a clean Mason jar. Instead of a lid, I cover the jar with a cloth and the jar's band. Then leave it like that to evaporate off the alcohol for several more weeks. It's the same concept as cooking off the alcohol in a slow cooker, just slower and without using...
  3. SlownLow86

    Slownlow gets extra low...

    Getting exciting now, Growmies! I chopped the first of the Black Straps the other day. She is solid red/purple. I've never seen weed this colorful in real life. I'm super stoked to sample. The second one still needs a couple weeks. She's putting on more of a dark purple color, but not...
  4. SlownLow86

    Slownlow gets extra low...

    One of the Black Straps ladies is real close to being done. The others is still plumping up and slowly putting on purple. The Sunset Vibes are still stretching and I'm getting nervous about not doing any training on them. I planted two Northern Lights Autos from Seedsman the other day, and...
  5. SlownLow86

    A Sunshine Daydream (Bodhi) project

    Any updates?
  6. SlownLow86

    Slownlow gets extra low...

    I'm really digging the colors on one of my two Black Straps. The purple one is much less bushy, too. I'll get some better pics soon.
  7. SlownLow86

    4 Autoflower Closet Grow

    Looking good! I've ran autos from Sweet Seeds several times in the past with no complaints. I've got a perpetual auto grow going now, if you wanna check it out. Best of luck, Growmie.
  8. SlownLow86

    Slownlow gets extra low...

    One of my Blackstraps is starting to really put on some fall colors. The other is hinting at it, but can't seem to commit. I only got one of the two original Sunset Vibes to germ. Popped a second one, she's in the front row. Both have some super fat fan leaves. I had to do a lot of...
  9. SlownLow86

    Is this how you get a cat???

    Who's down with OPP?
  10. SlownLow86

    Source for DIY light components?

    I haven't used them in a while, but I ordered a bunch of stuff from DigiKey when I built my lights. Arrow is a good source, too, as a couple of folks already mentioned.
  11. SlownLow86

    Stickers Inside Grow Tent?

    I dunno. I kinda dig it. Im a sucker for free slaps, though. I have a bunch of mechanic type ones on my tool box, too. I also enjoy watching the graffiti on trains when I'm stuck at a rail crossing. Maybe there's a theme here. LOL
  12. SlownLow86

    Slownlow gets extra low...

    That's a great idea. Now that the heat wave finally broke, it hasn't been bad up there. I'm curious how it will act in winter. Thanks for the kind words!
  13. SlownLow86

    Slownlow gets extra low...

    Both of the Blackstrap ladies seem happy. Pistils are popping on both. These next two SIPs are a little smaller, so fingers crossed on them. The res is only about a gallon on these, but it gives me more head room. I've never ran this small of a SIP before. This should be fun! I went with...
  14. SlownLow86

    Slownlow gets extra low...

    Upgraded my fan game today. We've also got two confirmed ladies who seem quite happy. The node spacing is very tight. These ladies are bushier than your Grandpa's porn preferences. Next two beans will hit the dirt in a day or two, after the new moon.
  15. SlownLow86

    Spider Farmer Giveaway-SE3000 300W LED!

    USA Thanks for the opportunity!
  16. SlownLow86

    Screw birthday parties.

    Man, I've been there. I had a whole novel written up, but I'll summarize with this: My dude... That's called resentment and TRUST ME that it's toxic to you and your relationship. You need to communicate with your wife, but you also need to be the man of the house. You need to LEAD your...
  17. SlownLow86

    Slownlow gets extra low...

    In two weeks I'll start the next two beans. I have more Black strap, but I'm thinking about trying something new. Choosing between: Northern Lights Auto by Seedsman Sunset Vibes Auto by G13 Labs Auto Banana Blaze by Dutch Passion Strawberry Cheesecake Auto by Seedsman I've ran the...
  18. SlownLow86

    Slownlow gets extra low...

    First set of beans is "Black strap" from Gnome Automatics. Here's a link to the Breeder's page for more info. Seeds were planted directly into wet medium on 8/13. In two days, both seedlings were above the soil. Today marks two weeks since germination and we started doing some stretches...
  19. SlownLow86

    Slownlow gets extra low...

    *comments and questions always welcome* Hey there, Growmies. I've been been out of the game for about a year and a half, but I've finally got a spot to grow again. It's going to be a challenge growing in this space, but I'm stoked for the opportunity, regardless of the limitations. It's a...
  20. SlownLow86

    Hottest seeds right now for under £150?

    Seeing a lot of buzz about Deep Chunk but that is an Old Old strain...