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  1. D

    Abnormality should I be worried!!

    Thanks for the reply’s boys!!
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    Abnormality should I be worried!!

    Am tryin them new maxibright 600w cmh bulbs
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    Abnormality should I be worried!!

    Nice1 bro was just abit worried an nah man indoors
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    Abnormality should I be worried!!

    Av had seedy bud before an it’s just the worst nightmare ever
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    Abnormality should I be worried!!

    Ther all fem seeds tho that’s what’s worrying me
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    Abnormality should I be worried!!

    Should I just carry on? Is it somethin to worry about
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    Abnormality should I be worried!!

    Any advice any1?
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    Abnormality should I be worried!!

    Growing 8 Pineapple Express autos from barneys farm and 2 of them look different from the rest can any1 explain or is it nothin to worry about? 2 of them have rounded leaves the others are more to a point any advice would be grateful!
  9. D

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Thanks so much for the help mate! I subscribe to you on YouTube your a top grower.. I always had the roi e680 in mind over everything but that 10 bar came close when comparing so needed some professional advice thanks a lot bro!!
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    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Growers choice roi e680 Or Mammoth 10 bar? Please help someone