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    Aussie Growers Thread

    I'll leave you guys to go about your business,I've got what I needed from here for now. Stay safe everyone,you never know who's watching. ;) P.S There's no presumption of innocence when a admition of guilt has already been made.
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Yes it wheely did:( but the compensation money has allowed me to invest in property and am now half way through the process of getting legal cultivation license and hopefully becoming the largest producer in the country and running punk kids like you out of business :)
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Maybe if I wasn't stuck in a wheelchair my application to join the Police force may have been excepted but when you have spent your most of your childhood and entire adult life not being able to walk you get used to disappointment
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hi guys new member here and have been going through the thread for the last day and found it really interesting but some of the recent posts have left me a bit perplexed and quite frankly sickened. Possessing images of naked underage girls makes you a peadophile no ifs or buts,you go to court...
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    How do they look? And what should I do?

    Cops are fascists. Think you might have meant COB shop maybe ?
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    How do they look? And what should I do?

    Looking good,but I'm not sure about getting lights from the cop shop is a good idea
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    Is this wrong

    Not a good idea at all,you're introducing anerobic microbes via fertiliser that's been bottled for who knows how long ? Worm castings and a small amount of fish hydrolysate, molasses,fulvic and kelp but only small amounts of each. Aeration is the important factor,too much air is never enough
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    looking for some advice for jack herer issue

    Jack Herrer will give lots of varied plants because of the way it was made,the J.H that won the Cannabis Cup isn't the J.H that Sensi put out.