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  1. S

    2 X 150w HPs 'Vs' a single 250 w HPs in a verticaly challenged grow room

    So this is the first grow. 4 strawberry amnesia clones. Got about 7 Oz ( a lot more than I expected) had 200w red and 250w mixed for flowering but before that had another 2 125w greenish spectrum lights(5500k) I was hoping to get the heat and electricity bill down but everyone's saying 150 hps...
  2. S

    2 X 150w HPs 'Vs' a single 250 w HPs in a verticaly challenged grow room

    So is their any truth to the 1cm per 10 watts for distance rule? (600w should be 60cm etc) would 250 hps really give out more heat than 700 CFL? my first grow had 700wtts of cfl until I took out 125w to get the heat below 30 when it started flowering but even with a cheepo extracter the heat was...
  3. S

    2 X 150w HPs 'Vs' a single 250 w HPs in a verticaly challenged grow room

    Would like to know if can get my plants closer to lights by using 2 150w spaced about 40cm spart, Instead of just 1 250w HPs in the middle. I Read that you should leave a cm per 10 watt distance but not sure in this case. Grow area is only about 60 cm high and nearly a meter across. Just...