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  1. C

    Missouri jails a legal medical patient for possession.

    Heard he was over the limit had 8 ozs. Still bs
  2. C

    Odd powder coming out of nugs?

    Found a 8 chain links in a elbow of Mexican and some BBs one time also.. Assholes
  3. C

    1000w hps aircooled height

    Sorry for a "dumb" question.. But why would the light need to be higher when on a mover.i would think it could be closer on a mover.
  4. C

    1000w hps aircooled height

    Exactly what i needed to hear! I figured as long as they didnt burn i could as close as i wanted:wall:.Thank you
  5. C

    1000w hps aircooled height

    How close can i have my light if my temps are under control and light is on a mover?