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  1. dehv

    Multiple Hps Bulbs in Parrallel to Single Ballast

    Aha! finally a good point! Yes the ballast would provide the full amount of current to whatever it was powering. To clarify, I'm speaking specifically regarding magnetic ballasts for simplification of discussion. Having looked over that old thread (thank you!) it seems there is some confusion...
  2. dehv

    Multiple Hps Bulbs in Parrallel to Single Ballast

    for seedlings and clones, or to use lights in the garage perhaps? again - THEORETICALLY.
  3. dehv

    Multiple Hps Bulbs in Parrallel to Single Ballast

    I could see improperly matched capacitors causing poor power factor and increased heat in the ballast. Some examples I've found when it comes to HPS in particular: 7uF (MFD) - 70W 14uf - 150w and so on up to 55uF for 400w
  4. dehv

    Multiple Hps Bulbs in Parrallel to Single Ballast

    Of course, don't forget the smoke alarm superglued to your bald spot - for when the knob and tube in your brain starts what's left of your grey hair on fire. #thoughtcrimes #1984joke #feedthetrolls #jerkthepriest Regarding the actual topic at hand, series wouldn't work because of the mentioned...
  5. dehv

    Multiple Hps Bulbs in Parrallel to Single Ballast

    Funny, thanks for your constructive input. I'll leave the growing to you "expert priest types", who apparently are better at growing "erb" and thinking inside the hotbox than everyone else I suppose. Oh wait! I'm already growing and don't give a fuck what you're smoking - I was just trying to...
  6. dehv

    Multiple Hps Bulbs in Parrallel to Single Ballast

    In this case it's a "use what you got" theoretical more than practical question. Or should I be a big boy and stroke your 1000w cock I can't afford when I have brand new equipment sitting here? The worst that could happen is it doesn't work, we're not talking about overdriving here. Besides...
  7. dehv

    Multiple Hps Bulbs in Parrallel to Single Ballast

    in my case i just ordered a dozen 70W Hps bulbs, and have a couple new 150W Hps ballast kits with starters/caps. So i was thinking 2 (with their own starters after the ballast) in parallel with the ballast, to match the same value cap as 150W (14uF). Or maybe single 7uFs on each 70w...
  8. dehv

    Multiple Hps Bulbs in Parrallel to Single Ballast

    so looking at this: Which is a 400W MH SYLVANIA 67811 I would assume it is 2x200W bulbs in parallel struck by the single (ext) igniter. So to run 4x150's on a 600 - if the cap was PF correcting in parallel the cap value should be ok in parallel.... and what if you just wired up 4 separate...