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  1. R

    20-20-20 Is that good?

    Ok i found can you tell me if 11-15-15 do good for a flowering plant
  2. R

    20-20-20 Is that good?

    Oh really thanks, and what are those nutes
  3. R

    20-20-20 Is that good?

    Hello growers, I am in the market for soil nutrients and found a good cheap 20-20-20 and was wondering if its good for vegetative and what kind i need for flowering.(Im doing outdoor on auto)
  4. R

    Flowering On Autos

    Hey everyone thanks for reading, I was researching a strain to grow from a seed and i wanted something simple, quick and small so i decided on the Sensi Skunk Auto. I bought the seed and I'm ready to germinate but i was researching something and it said that Autos flower by themselves indoors...
  5. R

    Can i leave the plant alone?

    I want to understand if its possible to plant a seed in the wild and occasionaly water it if its gonna produce buds in the end
  6. R

    Can i leave the plant alone?

    You assumed i meant middle of summer but no i meant end of august or maybe start semtember
  7. R

    Can i leave the plant alone?

    I dont understand i want to get buds in the summer of 2020 when should i plant
  8. R

    Can i leave the plant alone?

    i dont live south of france i live south of greece
  9. R

    Can i leave the plant alone?

    not really i live in southern europe by the sea
  10. R

    Can i leave the plant alone?

    Its fine i can occasionaly water it. I meant i dont want to be too much bothered with it
  11. R

    Can i leave the plant alone?

    i have the seeds i want to plant them idk when and idk when they are going to be ready i think august but idk if its true
  12. R

    Can i leave the plant alone?

    Hello Fellow growers ive got a serious question. I have done one grow before witch was succsesfull very nice automatic strain make alot of edibles and had a great time with the end product, but this year i cant take care of my plant i got stuff to do and dont have enough time to take care of it...
  13. R

    Should i start grow now?

    why is that? i also found a auto seed i have can i plant that outside?
  14. R

    Should i start grow now?

    Hello everyone, I have failed a couple of times growing autos so i bought normal seeds and then i went away for the summer and came back now in august my seeds are Early Skunk from Sensi Seeds so my question is should i plant now?I will be doing outdoor so i heard that flowering starts in august...
  15. R

    Is this nutrient burn?

    no its been normal
  16. R

    Is this nutrient burn?

    no i mean months its like that i dont know why
  17. R

    Is this nutrient burn?

    Hello everyone, ive been growing a nice Cookies Kush strain from barney's farm for about 1.5-2 months about 2 weeks ago i bought a fertilizer 30-10-10 and its like little small rocks ive been putting that fertilizer once a week and then watering it and some days ago the edges of the leaves look...
  18. R

    Is my plant ok

    yeah its peat moss my climate is warm like medeteranian anddddd i water like once every 3 days
  19. R

    Is my plant ok

    Thanks im gonna do that im firstly gonna put in a small pot for 1-3 days then in a 3 gallon pot for a few days after that im gonna plant in the the yard the soil is good but it has a lot of rocks
  20. R

    Is my plant ok

    I think of just putting it in the ground normaly nothing special just in my backyard