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  1. H

    why isnt there resin on my plants?

    Yea dude, 6 inch pots are WAY to small to use for floweing/harvest. Use at least 3 to 3.5 gal containers per plant. Have your light as close to the tops of the plants as you can w/o generating too much heat. Lghts all differ in addition to grow room and environment variables. The bigger pots...
  2. H

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Awesome stuff, thanks again frosty. I now know why it took 3 times to succ pollinate.
  3. H

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Wow.. Diggin the gnarly buds Frosty. Hella nice dude.
  4. H

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    I have to agree with Frosty. I know of a 5x4x4 op that stays near 77 with 1 150 hps and 4 65 wt CFL's, sometimes 81. Its ok though, start getting to the 90's and your askin for trouble dude.
  5. H

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    LMMFAO!!!! That sounds bout like my wife Frosty! Thats crazy funny man. NICE lookin flowers bro!! Looks REAL nice, good job! Cant wait to see the main cola dude.
  6. H

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    You are gonna love that 1000 watter dude. A buddy is running one vertically with the ladies revolving around it. Its a kick ass bulb and can do some amazing things. Get ready to put in some time / work when harvesting now.
  7. H

    How much water? How often?

    Depends on the plants and environment of the grow operation. Temp, humidity, ect have an impact on a plant's watering requiremets. I have also seen 'thirsty' strains, which appear to require much more watering than others. I know A GOOD rule of thumb is sticking your finger 3 inches into the...
  8. H

    Bottom Leaves turning Yellow

    A little more info please. How old are the plants? How has growth, development been since the discoloration started in the leaves?
  9. H

    ok so what sort of light cycle do i need for flowering my plant m using cfls

    12/12 when flowering with any type of light.
  10. H

    diesel ryder

    What lights are you using while vegging?
  11. H

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Thanks much Cult, appreciate the kind words. But succ breeding took several attempts. Males getting mature enough to pollenate took alot longer than originally thought. The 3rd time, man o man, everything within a 100 square miles was pollenated though ;). Always used to obsess, look for and...
  12. H

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    It is a hybrid. Female Satori pollenated by a male Purp. So we just call it "Purgatori". Can't go wrong breeding 2 of the top 10 strains of HighTimes 2007 . GREAT hybrid, strong strain. Plenty of Indica from Da Purps with the perfect amt of Sativa from the...
  13. H

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    We all know that feeling all too well bro. Then it is on to straight obsession till smokin her sweet, sticky nugs. I know of 5 non-fem seeds that hit the dirt today. 2 "Purps" and 3 "Purgatori". Will keep a journal of their life-long trials and tribulations while flowering under the 150 if...
  14. H

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Bout 3 to 6 in w/o a reflector. And the girls like it hanggin low, as you can see... Thanks to Frosty for the guidance. The light has been dropped lower since these images were taken. The closer w/o too much heat, the better. The fan is blowing right at/on the bulb.
  15. H

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Frosty man, thats one stupid crazy lady you have on your hands. Wow! Flowering cycle of 14 weeks with another 2 to go??!! Nuts man. Nice plant though...very nice... So, I just have to ask. Hows the 150 setup abover her? The 150 op (I mentioned earlier) dropped the bulb outta the batwing and its...
  16. H

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Fukin-A Frosty, that is tits an ass with a single 150 and flo's. That grow gave birth to several ideas. Diggin it man, good job and thanks again for the insight.
  17. H

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Yea frosty, good stuff man. Your graphics are much appreciated. Based on what you noted, "BOG/colloseum grows work reall well, and can yield massively with the right strains and it all set up correctly.". The bulb will be dropped out of the batwing and let her hang in the middle of the...
  18. H

    Weird bud!

    Is it a clone? I have seen clones do some wierd shit like that before.
  19. H

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Wanted to drop a few pix of a 150 HPS op. Had posted a question regarding hanging the bulb vert vs. hrozontal in the sheild. Seems that this may have been a subject of strong discussion previously in this thread. Have seen a 1000 HPS bulb hanging op w/sweet results. Any how, am a noob on the...
  20. H

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Sorry if this is a redundant question. There is a ton of great info in this thread; have been reading through for a while now to see what has been said on this topic. Will read through more and see what the can this can of worms is all about. Thanks for any info, this site is kick ass.