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  1. lizard8uout


    i have an ag and my pump always runs i found it alot easier to sprout the seeds in a wet paper towel then plant them in my ag but like i said my pump always runs i have the aerogarden 3 space saver but i used a shoe boxed sized plastic bin for my resivoir (more room ) was choking my roots i hope...
  2. lizard8uout

    newbie timing ?

    ok so i modified my aero garden it's doing great my sick babies are happy and healthy and now have newborn sprouting as well. so any how i found these desk lamps on sale with 6500k florecent bulb the same as my ag and decidedbuy them and to build a 20 gallon res system my ? is its all in the...
  3. lizard8uout

    you won't believe it at least i don't

    O k i had sick babies and through here i learned about nute burn and root space so i rebiut my aerogarden with a plastic shoe box sized tub wrapped in foil well i broke the roots off my biggest one not all but about half of them well there a'll doing great now color back and great leaf...
  4. lizard8uout

    Are any of these Magic mushrooms?

    psilisbin turn a bluish purle when expsoed to oxigen hence the bruising turning blue but if you don't know what your looking for and you find a mushroom don't chance it thats just stupid i could think of alot more ways to die than stupidity ok louisisan dude i with you there but i moved and in...
  5. lizard8uout

    Finally tried X for my first time and.....

    i used to make tons of money on it but my clients seemed to get dumber and dumber and now adays it's cut with bad shit or it makes you make bad decisions so be real careful i stil roll everyonce in awhile but it's like once ayear just to for so good sex and as far as raves go you'll see what i...
  6. lizard8uout

    help my baies sick

    thanx happy face:weed:she seems much happier in her new box
  7. lizard8uout

    help my baies sick

    ok what i did was to take a show box size plastic bin added anothe air pump and wrapped it all in foil chaged the water and baked off the nutes now the color is coming back and its starting ti grow again i hope this works the roots have so much more room
  8. lizard8uout

    help my baies sick

  9. lizard8uout

    help my babies sick

    by the way cool dog man i love frenchies
  10. lizard8uout

    help my babies sick

    i want to my roots are one main line over afoot long wil it hurt to swich to dirt??
  11. lizard8uout

    New to Aerogarden

    i had the problem with sproutitng so what i did was seeds in wet paper towel and after they started ti sprout i carefully placed them in the pods root down in the seed hole and this worked great for me
  12. lizard8uout

    help my babies sick

    for xmas my non smoking gf got mt me an aero garden 3 you know the small one from here this ment the world to me being as she doent smoke and all but i think its to small my lil baby is sick she's all yellow and stunted i was thinking of rigging up a five gallon bucket with the pump and the...
  13. lizard8uout

    help my baies sick

    I got the amallest aerogrden avail the lil three tray economics in my house as of latley any hot i got one good start now it's all yellow and stunted ismy new toy too small i was thinking of uing a five gallon bucket with apump cause thats all it realy is would this help???:idea: