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  1. R

    What did you accomplish today?

    I set up a Trellis net which was a complete pita for my first time.
  2. R

    New to indoor growing, what is making my plant upset?

    I figured I was hurting them with some sort of nutrient burn but I couldn’t identify which deficiency. I think the mistake I made was going to get water (ratty water&ice) from a store and the last time I did a PH test it was solid on 6.0. Then, monday I went for a refill and since it was...
  3. R

    New to indoor growing, what is making my plant upset?

    Thanks people of the internet.
  4. R

    New to indoor growing, what is making my plant upset?

    1 month into veg, I have been growing an Afghan strain pretty good so far. This morning I saw a fan leaf starting to get ugly so I asked a couple friends and they said maybe the pot was too small or I could be having a PH problem. I’m growing in fox farm soil, using the fox farm trio and PH...