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  1. Ky hillbilly 420

    10 weeks into flower

    That was three months ago sorry
  2. Ky hillbilly 420

    10 weeks into flower

    Well see these are clones.They was gifted to me from a close friend which is no longer with us .When he switched the the light cycle is when i got them. So????
  3. Ky hillbilly 420

    10 weeks into flower

    Closer or different ?? Sorry to question to death never kniw until you ask but greatly appreciated
  4. Ky hillbilly 420

    10 weeks into flower

    Any advice shiuld i do anything to get better yield
  5. Ky hillbilly 420

    10 weeks into flower

    Thanks for taking your time to explain this. like i said first time indoors and any and all advice is greatly appreciated.After these are done i got my hands on some auto flowering seeds thats my next adventure.
  6. Ky hillbilly 420

    10 weeks into flower

    Thank you but your right that is how i was doing the weeks from when i flipped the lightlight. So next question can i put bloom buster on now and when should i stop if so
  7. Ky hillbilly 420

    10 weeks into flower

    Ok thank you first time with clones and indoor lol.thanks fir the help
  8. Ky hillbilly 420

    10 weeks into flower

    You really think 4 more weeks
  9. Ky hillbilly 420

    10 weeks into flower

    Ok first time ever posting.i am right at ten weeks into flower i dnt have a loup to check tricombes.So whats the next best way to determine if they ready any help is appreciated thanks in advance
  10. Ky hillbilly 420

    About to go crazy

    About to go crazy