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    Crock Pot Cannabutter for Dummies

    Can I use cold pressed hemp oil as a carrier oil?
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    How to?

    What’s the best way to clean tinctures. Can’t seem to get them super clean so I can re-use them.
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    When to harvest CBD strain

    I normally wait on the trich as I have a jewellers loupe. Was just thinking what stage do they have to be in for the best CBD product. Mostly clear? Mostly Milky? I’m guessing one they start turning Amber all the good stuff is starting to break down? I’ve never done a CBD only plant
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    How am I doing

    It’s getting around 10 hours direct sunlight.
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    How am I doing

    It’s in a fabric pot incase I need to move it. Bio-bizz soil mix.
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    How am I doing

    So this is only my 2nd grow. It’s a Dutch passion auto flower that I’m growing outside. Been a bit slow due to the weather. I did some LST which I think has worked out well as there seems to be two big colas forming. Could any one roughly guess when it would be ready to help my feeding schedule...
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    When to harvest CBD strain

    I have a Charlotte’s angel auto that I’m currently growing. I’ve never grown a CBD strain before. Do I wait for the trich to start going Amber to harvest! Is there different effects if I let it go longer or shorter?
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    How Long Do You Cook Cannabutter For?

    Going to make butter for the first time this weekend. Do I need to decarb? I was going to just put in a crackpot on high? If I don’t decarb how long is recommend to cook for?
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    First time growing in coco

    I use raised beds with a poly tunnel over the top so rain can’t get in. Ive just seen great results with coco so wanted to give it ago. I’m thinking of doing a coco,soil and perlite mix.
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    First time growing in coco

    So you water your 2 plants with 22L of water a day? Wow that seems loads? Is that just because coco drys out so fast or because the plants drinks more in coco
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    First time growing in coco

    How often do you water? My grow spot is a raised bed with a poly tunnel on top so the soil gets dry pretty fast
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    First time growing in coco

    I’m an outdoor grower and am planning to use coco this time round and have never used it before. What sort of nutrients schedule should I use. Will be an auto.
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    What mulch are people using

    when you water to you try not to get it damp?
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    What mulch are people using

    I’m preparing my outdoor grow for this year and am thinking about covering the top of the soil to try and keep bugs and mould away. What do people put on top of the soil when growing. I’ve seen a lot of people cover there plants but there seems to be a wide selection.
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    Leaf trim

    I’ve seen thai sticks. Looks like the weed is nice a tightly packed and the leaves are used just to help hold it together.
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    Leaf trim

    So roll a cigar like Joint then cure it?
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    Leaf trim

    Was wondering if I could dry the leaves and use them to roll with? Any one tried this? But like a cigar?
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    Snapped main stem

    No weather has been terrible. But I have a cover over that part of the garden so no rain can get to it
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    Snapped main stem

    I won’t pull it as no point. I’m thinking the same as I thought it would have perked up after a few days if the healing was progressing. So annoying. Outside growing can be frustrating at times
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    Snapped main stem

    I watered her not long after she snapped. I have a gauge in the soil to test the moisture and it’s at a good level. I would have thought a lot more of the plant would be dying if no water/nutrients were getting to the plant. I need some good weather I’m growing outside and the weather has been...