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  1. michaelmng09

    Uv light

    Pythium Oligundrum cool history! The pyth killer. Thanks. I could imagine big ag keeping farmers dependent.. it's places like this where knowledge can be exchanged to counter act. Stay up! Thanks
  2. michaelmng09

    sterilise roots with aquarium UV light when using DWC setup

    Thanks.. he says he still used uc roots I was considering getting one dedicated to each system to avoid uc roots
  3. michaelmng09

    KRIT go hard

    KRIT go hard
  4. michaelmng09

    sterilise roots with aquarium UV light when using DWC setup

    Old post but I was curious to know have you had any breakthroughs with using UV sterilizer or what are your practices now? To keep the system clean
  5. michaelmng09

    Uv light

    Some guy in Quebec told me h2o2 is a waste because it bubbles out so darn fast. I thoroughly took apart the entire room bleached and painted and I must say had some super healthy teens and root rot brown stuff is on its way in attacking healthy white roots. Only thing I could think is a UV...
  6. michaelmng09

    Uv light

    I just picked up some aquarium 5w sterilizers hopefully they prevent root rot. Along with pool shock. Hope anyone could chime in on any benefits fighting pythium,