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  1. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Just IG eachother...or use email or messenger. Gotta keep this place up
  2. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Been to the same checkout screen 5x. I get greedy and try for free shipping and it never loads again. That's how I lost kbb and wedding poop on my 2nd round.. fuck I hate being cheap lol
  3. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Tryn to grab a extra meaty one and moby grapes .. if u get greedy and try for free shipping.. it doesnt want to finish loasing again..
  4. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Someone stole my 2nd wedding poop and kosher kosh breath.. they sold.out..
  5. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    With an account. I redeemed 300 points on. MY first order.. I ordered #1 stunna w luscious b4.. so my total was 153.30 shipped
  6. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Goin in for my 2nd order of kosh kush breath and wedding poop..
  7. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Lucious went thru. Got kosher kush and wedding poop. Now I got 1 of everything :)
  8. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Treestar sropped some new new. Go now.. picked up billy and meaty one.. ;)
  9. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Gromer answered my question.. he did say a few unicorn poops were in clear packaging. But stay away from them bc it's easier to fake.. main reason he went to orange packaging..
  10. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Unicorn poop only cane in orange packaging. I got one if the first drops gromer had w speakeasyseed bank years ago.. The unicorn poop in the old clear packaging has to be fake. I'll ask gromer to be 100% sure. All I know is from my expierenxe.
  11. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    "Slaps forehead " now down to 3 thug pug drops left.
  12. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Still down in california. Fuck.. someone order me wedding poop
  13. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    I did .. I went on a runtz buying frenzy. Geist ghost candy runtz cross I got runtz bx from kre8 Exotic designer runtz cross.. Exotic slaps runtz x grease monkey Exotic wowzer. Runtz x strawberries and cream I tries for compound genetics jokerz... white runtz x jet fuel gelato.. but I...
  14. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    I guess hes a women beater.. bullshit apology.. bruises and black eyes dont magically appear
  15. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Dude from blockchains got hella drama. He seems like a douche bag
  16. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    I'm north of GLo.. like 8-10hrs and It still.takes me a week or 2 lol.
  17. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Yea.. I got my honey bells and moby grapes yeaterday... I ordered the original drop .. last week. Took almost a week to get tracking.
  18. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Snh = I'm sure he ment. Seedsherenow " SHN " .. frostedphenis is canada only.
  19. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Lol I appreciate the help.. I'll keep trying til the end.. can never give up..
  20. P

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    U always steal kkb from me lol.. this guy