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  1. jpsmokeybear

    Seedlings off to a rough start. Help!

    I know. California’s seasons are wacked. I’m just trying to start my plants indoor before i put them outside to veg more
  2. jpsmokeybear

    Seedlings off to a rough start. Help!

    I have these seedlings in my garage in the open. Temps at night get to low 40s outside so probably in the 50s? I don’t have any fancy setup to control humidity, temps etc . And for the thripes, i haven’t seen any bugs around and i sprayed them with neem oil a week or so ago
  3. jpsmokeybear

    Is This Light Burn? Or something else?

    Honestly, not better:/ Just posted a new thread with updated pics hoping to get more opinions.
  4. jpsmokeybear

    Seedlings off to a rough start. Help!

    These seedlings are 2-3 weeks old and are just stunted. Purple in the leafs, some ends of leafs are yellow/brown and crispy. Ph of the soil is around 7 and water is the same. The soil i’m using is Amend mixed with soil i used last outdoor grow. Plants are under Vivosun 600w atleast 25 inches...
  5. jpsmokeybear

    Is This Light Burn? Or something else?

    I did some transplanting on a few to see what the roots and the dirt down under looked like. Some roots were pretty long while some weren’t .. but the dirt was really wet about halfway down to the bottom and was really compacted like it all just formed together as it got wet. So I went outside...
  6. jpsmokeybear

    Is This Light Burn? Or something else?

    Yes that’s exactly what i have. I didn’t even know there was a difference with potting mixes from indoors to outdoors. Thank you. By start over did you pop new beans? Or just bring the seedlings back from being in the wrong potting mix?
  7. jpsmokeybear

    Is This Light Burn? Or something else?

    I gave them 2 light feedings of BioThriveGrow 4-2-2. My soil says it has plant food and nutrients for the plant so should I just be giving straight water so the seedlings can use everything up in the soil?
  8. jpsmokeybear

    Is This Light Burn? Or something else?

    The soil is an organic potting soil for fruits and veggies. It’s called Kelloggs Amend or something like that. Says it has plant food and some nutes in it. Should i got for a soil with little to no nutrients in it? And something more dirt like? The soil is kinda tan barkish
  9. jpsmokeybear

    Is This Light Burn? Or something else?

    First time using LEDs to start indoors before i throw plants outside in June. I was using Mars Hydro TS 1000w turned down to probably 750-700watts sitting 30inches or so above seedlings. They started looking sick so i started feeding them BioThrive 4-2-2 to help them keep going. Also put them...
  10. jpsmokeybear

    Something eating bud?

    Righttttt I don’t want no critters in my medicine I feel the same way. Killed the caterpillar and smashed whatever those eggs are with a rock lol
  11. jpsmokeybear

    Something eating bud?

    I also just found this leaf with whatever these are on the bottom of it?? Looks like eggs of some sort..
  12. jpsmokeybear

    Something eating bud?

    Found a bud that looks like it’s been eaten or something effected it? I did find a tiny caterpillar in that exact spot so it could’ve been that? Just want to know so I can further prevent it a little
  13. jpsmokeybear

    N Deficiency or something else?? Help

    They get filtered sunlight til about noon then it’s just full sun. About 4-5 ish the sun goes behind some more trees so they catch a break. Everything seems happy other than the lower leaves being banana yellow:/
  14. jpsmokeybear

    N Deficiency or something else?? Help

    Ohhh man it’s pretty brutal. I’m up at 1800ft so it’s not like deathly hot but it’s pretty close Pretty mild summer compared to the last few
  15. jpsmokeybear

    N Deficiency or something else?? Help

    Okay thank you! I thought it was nitrogen problem. How often should I be giving them ca/mg? Bottle says once a week but people on forums say every water is okay? Just don’t want to lose any of my girls
  16. jpsmokeybear

    N Deficiency or something else?? Help

    My first grow. Outdoors, NorCal. About week 3 into flowering and lower leafs turning yellowing and falling off. I’ve been feeding them Fox Farms Tiger Bloom and Calmag in between just giving them straight water. Started low on doses at first but started yellowing as if they need more?? What do I...