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  1. A

    the colour of my nutes change how and why?

    im running DWC full canna aqua range plus all additives (rizo,cannazym,silica,cal/mag.....i make the buckets up with 15 liters of water and add silica(2ml) first then cal/mag(1ml p/l,then rizo(20ml) then cannazyn(20ml) then the a&b(10ml of each) nutes,all good=850ppm in 15 liters of water then i...
  2. A

    Ppm too low?

    i have only 3 grows under my belt (DWC) with auto's but what i do is set my (500 ppm tds scale) at the start of my grow at 200ppm and as the weeks go by u will see if the plant is taking up nutes by ur ppm dropping slowly thats a good thing i add 50ppm to next bucket change to keep in Rhythm...
  3. A

    GSC auto seed germination time

    hi, i bought 3 bluedream matics(auto) and 3 girl scout cookies Auto from same seedbank, i planted 2 BDM"s they popped out of the rockwool on day 5 no probs...grew 24h light,cured and smoked (thumbs up BDM very nice smoke .. on my 2nd grow the GSC did same rockwool method moist dark in a dome...